

  1. Szilveszter, Sz., Beltran, R., & Fuentes, A. Performance analysis of the domestic water meter park in water supply network of Ibarra, Ecuador. Urban Water Journal, 14(1), 85-96, 2017.
  2. B. Ráduly, L. Gyenge, Sz. Szilveszter, A. Kedves, S. Crognale, Treatment of corn ethanol distillery wastewater using two-stage anaerobic digestion, Water Sci Technol. 74(2):431-7, 2016.
  3. Felföldi, T., Kovács, E., Fikó, D.R., Tankó, Gy., Szabó, A., Nagymáté, Zs., Sz. Szilveszter, Máthé, I. 2015. Applying unconventional techniques for the laboratory cultivation of new bacterial strains\ Hagyományostól eltérő eljárások alkalmazása új baktériumtörzsek laboratóriumi tenyésztése érdekében. Hidrológiai Közlöny Journal of the Hungarian Hydrological Society 95:19-21, 2015.
  4. Szabó, A., Máthé, I., Sz. Szilveszter, Jurecska, L., Vajna, B., Márialigeti, K., Felföldi, T., Next generation amplicon sequencing of the microbial community of a crater lake (Lake Saint Ana, Romania), Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica, 60, pp: 236, Proceeding of the 4th Central European Forum for Microbiology, 2013.
  5. Sz. Szilveszter, Raduly, B., Abraham, B., Lanyi, Sz., In Situ Imaging of Biopolymers and Extracellular Enzymes in Activated Sludge Flocs of a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, J Chem Technol Biot, Vol. 88, Issue 7, pp 1295–1304, 2013. Cited by: 7.
  6. Kibédi-Szabó, Cs.Z., Stroescu, M., Stoica-Guzun, A., Jinga, S.I., Sz. Szilveszter, Jipa, I., Dobre, T., Biodegradation Behavior of Composite Films with Poly (Vinyl Alcohol) Matrix, J Polym Environ, 20(2), pp. 422-430, 2012. Cited by: 10.
  7. Sz. Szilveszter, Raduly, B., Abraham, B., Lanyi, Sz., Robescu D.N., “Mathematical models for domestic biological wastewater treatment process”, EEMJ, 9(5), pp. 629-635, 2010. Cited by: 10.
  8. Sz. Szilveszter, Raduly, B., Bucs,Sz., Abraham, B., Szabolcs Lanyi, Lanyi, Sz., Robescu D.N., Activated Sludge Floc Characterization by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, EEMJ, 11 (3): 669-674, 2012. Cited by: 5.
  9. Sz. Szilveszter, Raduly, B., Miklossy, I., Lanyi, Sz., Robescu D.N., “Enzymatic activity studies of biological wastewater treatment”, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Seria Chemia, Vol. 54 Special Issue 2,pp.113-122, 2009. Cited by: 1.
  10. Raduly, B., Corognale, S., Sz. Szilveszter, Meszaros A., “Modeling of the Biochemical Processes of the Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Technology”, Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Seria Chemia, Vol. 54 Special Issue 2, pp 135-146, 2009.
  11. Sz. Szilveszter, Raduly, B., Miklossy, I., Abraham, B., Lanyi, Sz., Robescu D.N., “Lab scale sequencing batch reactor (sbr) construction and characterization for dynamic modeling with activated sludge model (ASM).” Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Seria Chemia, Vol. 55 Special Issue, pp 119-133, 2010. Cited by: 1.
  12. Sz. Szilveszter, Miklóssy, I., Mészáros, A., Ábrahám, B., Raduly, B., Robescu D.N.,, Lanyi, Sz., “Enzyme activities and distribution in activated sludge in a lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR)”, University Politehnica Of Bucharest, Scientific Bulletin Series B: Chemistry And Materials Science, Vol. 72 Issue 2., pp 141-150, 2010. Cited by: 1.
  13. Harai (Molnos), É., Sz. Szilveszter, Abraham, B., Nagy, I., Lanyi, Sz., Munteanu, O., “Biohydrogen production with photosynthetic bacteria.” Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Seria Chemia, Vol. 54, Special Issue 2, pp 61-68, 2010.
  14. Miklóssy, I., Szilágyi, L., Ábrahám, B., Sz. Szilveszter, Lányi, Sz., “Obtention of the Ancestral Proteinase Stemzyme-IDP-β by Heterologous Expression.” , Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Seria Chemia, Vol. 54, Special Issue 2, pp 11-20, 2010.
  15. Ábrahám, B.b Miklóssy, I., Kovács, E., Tamás, E., Mészáros I., Sz. Szilveszter, Brezeanu, A., Lányi, Sz., “Genetic Analysis of Pinus sylvestris L. and Pinus sylvestris forma turfosa L. Using RAPD Markers”, Notulae Scientia Biologicae, Vol 2, No 1, 129-132, 2010. Cited by: 3.
  16. Szilágyi, L., Ábrahám, B., Miklóssy, I., Sz. Szilveszter, Gálicza, J., Lanyi, Sz., “Modeling studies on the ancestral proteinase stemzyme IDP-Β”, University Politehnica Of Bucharest, Scientific Bulletin Series B: Chemistry And Materials Science, Vol. 72 Issue 2., 161-168, 2010.

Conference attends:

  1. Ndeba-Nganongo, L. N.A., Ntawmpe, S.K.O., Szabolcs, S., Itoba-Tombo, E.F., 2018. The Application of ADM/ASM Interface in Sumo Wide Plant Model. Paper presented at the 10th International Conference on Advances in science, Engineering, Technology and Healthcare, South Africa, 19-20 November 2018, Cape Town, South Africa. Pp. 231-235. ISBN - 978-81-938365-2-1
  2. D.R Fikó, I. Máthé, T. Felföldi, Sz. Szilveszter, Microcosm studies on phenol degradation affinity of different bacterial strains in multiple carbon source environment, 10th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, IWA, Zagreb, Croatia, 7-11 May, 2018;
  3. Fikó, D.R., Sz. Szilveszter, Kovacs E., Máthé, I., Phenolic wastewater treatment potential of bacteria isolated from landfill leachate treating bioreactor. 20th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (RICCCE 2017), Poiana Brașov, Romania, 06-09 June, 2017;
  4. Sz. Szilveszter, Fikó D.R., Máthé I., Ráduly B., Felföldi T. Kinetics of phenol degradation by acinetobacter towneri strain isolated from activated sludge 9th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, IWA, Budapest, Hungary, 24-27 May, 2017;
  5. Sz. Szilveszter, Fikó, D.R., Máthé, I., Felföldi, T., Phenol Removal and Bioaugmentation Potential Analysis of Different Bacterial Strains in Wastewater, 1st International Conference on Air, Water, and Soil Pollution and Treatment (AWSPT'16), Prague, Czech Republic, March 30-31, 2016;
  6. Fikó, D.R., Kovacs, E., Sz. Szilveszter, Felföldi, T., Máthé, I., Phenol Degradation Potential of Bacteria Isolated From Extreme Habitats, 1st International Conference on Air, Water, and Soil Pollution and Treatment (AWSPT'16), Prague, Czech Republic, March 30-31, 2016;
  7. Felföldi T*, Kovács E, Fikó DR, Tankó Gy, Szabó A, Nagymáté Zs, Sz. Szilveszter, Máthé I. Unconventional strategies for the cultivation of new bacterial strains from aquatic environments. 17th International Congress of the Hungarian Society for Microbiology, Budapest (Hungary), 8-10 July 2015.
  8. Felföldi T, Kovács E, Fikó DR, Tankó Gy, Szabó A, Nagymáté Zs, Sz. Szilveszter, Máthé I. Applying unconventional techniques for the laboratory cultivation of new bacterial strains. 13th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology (BAGECO-13), Milan (Italy), 14-18 June 2015.
  9. Sz. Szilveszter, Máthé, I., Abraham, B., Silvia Crognale, Raduly, B., Effect of Salinity on Activated Sludge Treatment Performance and Floc Morphology, 7th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, IWA, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 September, 2015;
  10. Raduly, B., Gyenge, L., Sz. Szilveszter, Orsolya Varga, Abraham, B., Crognale Silvia, Treatment of Corn Ethanol Distillery Wastewater Using Two-Stage Anaerobic Digestion, 7th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference, IWA, Belgrade, Serbia, 17-19 September, 2015;
  11. Sz. Szilveszter, Mogos, G., Raul Beltran, Instrinsic error and economic analysis in domestic water meter park, The International Exhibition & Conference on Water Technology and Environmental Control (WATEC-Peru), Lima, Peru, 17-19 September, 2014;
  12. Máthé, I., Kovács, E., Róbert Dezső Fikó, György Tankó, Zsuzsanna Nagymáté, Attila Szabó, Sz. Szilveszter, Tamás Felföldi, Enhancing the cultivability of bacteria with the combination of simple but unconventional methods, 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology (ISME), Seoul, South Corea, 24-29 August, 2014;
  13. A. Szabó, I. Máthé, Sz. Szilveszter, Laura Jurecska, B. Vajna, K. Márialigeti, T. Felföldi, Next generation amplicon sequencing of the microbial community of a crater lake (Lake Saint Ana, Romania), 4th Central European Forum for Microbiology, Keszthely, Hungary, 16-18 October, 2013;
  14. Sz. Szilveszter, Miklóssy Ildiko, Mészáros Alexandru, Ábrahám Beata, Raduly, B., Robescu Dan Niculae, Lanyi, Sz., Enzyme activities and distribution in activated sludge in a lab-scale sequencing batch reactor (SBR), 16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sinaia, 9-12 sept. 2009;
  15. Sz. Szilveszter, Rásuly Botond, Miklossy Ildiko, Lanyi, Sz., Dan Robesc Niculae, Enzymatic activity studies of biological wastewater treatment (Enzimek tanulmányozása biológiai szennyvíztisztításkor)15th Intrenational Conference of Chemistry, Tg-Mureș, Romania, 12-15 november, 2009;
  16. Raduly, B., Crogonale Silvia, Sz. Szilveszter, Mészáros Sandor, Modeling of the biochemical processes of the activated sludge wastewater treatment technology (Az eleveniszapos szenyvíztisztítás biokémiai folyamatainak modellezése) 15th Intrenational Conference of Chemistry, Tg-Mureș, 2009, noiembrie 12-15.
  17. Sz. Szilveszter, Rásuly Botond, Miklossy Ildiko, Lanyi, Sz., Dan Robesc Niculae, Enzim aktivitás vizsgálat eleveniszap pelyhekben, Műszaki Kémiai Napok/Conference of Chemical Engineering 2010, Veszprém apr. 27-29 – Hungary
  18. Sz. Szilveszter, Miklóssy Ildikó, Orbán Csongor, Bodor Zsolt, Lanyi, Sz., Dan Robescu Nicolae: Az alfa-glükozidáz és alkáli foszfatáz extrakciója és aktivitásvizsgálata eleveniszap pelyhekben. . Magyar Tudomány Napja Erdélyben, Őszi természettudományi konferencia, 2009 nov. 21, Kolozsvár
  19. Sz. Szilveszter, Raduly, B., Miklossy Ildiko, Abraham Beata, Lanyi, Sz., Dan Robescu Niculae, Lab Scale Sequencing Batch Reactor Characterization For Dynamic Modelling with Activated Sludge Models (ASM) 16th Intrenational Conference of Chemistry, Cluj Napoca, 2010, nov. 11-14.
  20. Bucs Szilard, Sz. Szilveszter, Lavric Vasile, Experimental study of free and partialy flock’s entrapped enzymes in activates sludge wastewater treatment system, 16th Intrenational Conference of Chemistry, Cluj Napoca, 2010, nov. 11-14.
  21. Sz. Szilveszter, Botond Raduly, Szilard Bucs, Dan Robescu Niculae, Szabolcs Lanyi, Characterization of activated sludge flocs by CLSM microscopy with different staining methods, 1st Danube – Black Sea Regional Young Water Professionals Conference, Innovations in the field of water supply, sanitation and water quality, Palace of parliament Bucharest, 2011, june 14-15.
  22. Sz. Szilveszter, Szilard Bucs, Botond Raduly, Beata Abraham, Szabolcs Lanyi, Dan Robescu Niculae, Activated sludge floc characterization by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy, 6th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management – Green Future, Balatonalmadi, Hungary, 2011, september 1-4
  23. Szilágyi, Laszlo, Ábrahám Beata, Miklóssy Ildiko, Sz. Szilveszter, Gálicza Judit, Lanyi, Sz., “Modeling studies on the ancestral proteinase stemzyme IDP-Β”, 16th Romanian International Conference on Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Sinaia, 9-12 sept. 2009
  24. Bodor Zsolt, Kovács Erika, Miklóssy Ildikó, Abraham, B., Bálint Emese-Éva, Orbán Kálmán Csongor, Tamás Éva, Sz. Szilveszter, Lanyi, Sz.: Termostabil enzimek extracelluláris heterológ expressziója keményítő tartalmú hulladékok kezelésére. Magyar Tudomány Napja Erdélyben, Őszi természettudományi konferencia, 2009 nov. 21, Kolozsvár
  25. Bodor Zsolt, Kovács Erika, Miklóssy Ildiko, Ábrahám Beata, Bálint Emese, Orbán Csongor, Tamás Éva., Sz. Szilveszter, Lányi Sz., Heterologous expression of alpha-amylase in E. Coli (Alfa-amiláz heterológ expressziója E. Coli-ban) 15th Intrenational Conference of Chemistry, Tg-Mureș, 2009, noiembrie 12-15.
  26. Sz. Szilveszter, Raduly, B., Abraham Beata, Activated sludge floc characterization by Confocal Laser Microscopy, 18th International Conference on Chemistry, Baile Felix, Romania, 22-25 November, 2012.

