
2008 - 2011: Polytechnics University of Bucharest, Department Hydraulics, hydraulic machinery and environmental engineering, PhD in Power Engineering. My PhD Thesis was entitled: ¨Theoretical and Experimental Contributions in the Study of Biological Processes in Aqueous Environment¨. It was supervised by Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Robescu Niculae.

2003 - 2008: SAPIENTIA Hungarian University of Transylvania, Section: Environmental Engineering in Industry. My engineers thesis was entitled: ¨Municipal wastewater treatment efficiency analysis with artificial neural networks (ANN)¨ and was supervised by Dr. eng. Sándor Mészáros and Dr. eng. Ráduly Botond. I obtained my degree with the Greatest Distinction (Grade:10 in Romania).

Principal Subjects: Chemical engineering, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Optimization, Water - waste water treatment, Environmental biotechnology, Waste management, Bioreactors, Ecology, Microbiology, MatLab, AutoCAD.

1999 - 2003: High School: Kézdivásárhelyi Református Kollégium (Liceul Teoretic Reformat Tg. Secuiesc), I studied Mathematics - Informatics, thanks to my math teacher i decided that i want to be an engineer.