o-Basic Structural Modeling

The basic structural modeling project (BSMP) Problem Definition Report provides a definition of the issues, concepts, tools and procedures used when structural modeling techniques developed by John N. Warfield are engaged to develop solutions to complex problems. The problem definition report will organize problems and issues into three general categories. These categories are:

1. Model type selection;

2. Contextual structural relationship representation; and

3. Mathematical tools, techniques and solution approaches.

A well-defined and communicated problem definition context will facilitate presentation and understanding of the structural modeling material developed by Warfield. For these structural modeling techniques, a key element is the identification of the contextual structural relationship. The modeling of an unknown system structure is organized around a contextual relationship. Warfield presented six major categories of interpretive relationships found in English (Science of Generic Design, p60). These six categories are definitive, comparative, influence, temporal, spatial and mathematical. Examples of these categories are:

1. Definitive relationship – is necessary for, is implied by, includes, is assigned to

2. Comparative relationship – is more important than, is more useful than, is preferred to

3. Influence relationship – supports, affects, confirms, causes, enhances, strengthens

4. Temporal relationship – precedes, follows, coincides with, concurrent with,

5. Spatial relationship – is north of, is south of, is east of, is west of, is above, is below

6. Mathematical relationship – is equal to, is less than, is greater than, is a function of

See here for more details. (http://www.systemsconcept.org/)

A draft article submitted to INSIGHT newsletter for publication in June 2014 may be found here.