o-Better SE for INCOSE

Project Lead: Michael Dee

Project Abstract: This project will attempt to leverage our knowledge of systems science to inform the practice of SE. It has the following work laid out to accomplish this goal:

  • Create a complete classification of systems, and of Systems Engineering, identifying its boundaries and its context (SE is itself a system).
  • Classify the various aspects of SE practice into logical categories to aid in human comprehension of, and capability to perform, SE.
  • Identify missing or erroneous components of the current INCOSE definition of the SE practice, and identify the gaps relating to system science.
  • Prepare to communicate all this with a formal ontology that serves the systems engineering community, based in systems science, and linking to other contributing disciplines in the context of SE.
  • Augment the SE handbook with companion works that will provide the theoretical underpinning to guide the education and practice of SE.

Planned Deliverables: TBD

Project brief may be found here.