
SynchNeuro gathers a multidisciplinary team of researchers:

  • Romina Aron-Badin

Development of animal model, experimentation

Researcher at CEA-MIRCen

Coordinator of SynchNeuro, dynamical systems and control theory

Associate professor at L2S - Univ. Paris Sud 11 - Supélec

Computational neuroscience

Post-doctoral fellow under the co-supervision of A. Chaillet and C. Pouzat

  • Diane Da Silva

Modeling, analysis and control of neuronal populations

PhD student under the supervision of A. Chaillet

Dynamical systems and control theory

Associate professor at L2S - Univ. Paris Sud 11

Development of animal model, experimentation

Head of CEA-MIRCen

  • Stéphane Palfi

Neurosurgery, neurophysiology

Head of functional neurosurgery of APHP - Hospital H. Mondor Créteil

Processing of neurophysiological data, modeling

Researcher at CNRS - MAP5

  • Yann-Suhan Senova

Neurosurgery, neurophysiology

PhD student in neurosurgery at APHP - Hospital H. Mondor Créteil