
My teaching philosophy is strongly based on the belief that university education should foster analytical and critical thinking skills in students. Many educational systems have traditionally relied heavily on mainstream textbooks, which often present established theories as the sole framework of learning. While textbooks can provide a solid foundation, it is essential to supplement them with practical and empirical applications. This approach allows students to empirically test the plausibility of theories and encourages them to develop alternative perspectives.

I aim to cultivate an environment where students understand that mainstream theories are not fixed or immune to critique. They should be empowered to question and challenge these theories, fostering a spirit of intellectual curiosity. By doing so, students can learn to combine concrete facts with effective storytelling, enhancing their ability to communicate complex ideas clearly.

By promoting analytical and critical thinking, and by encouraging students to explore alternative perspectives, I believe that university education can better prepare students for a rapidly evolving world where adaptability, creativity, and independent thought are highly valued.

Professor, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada

·      Agricultural Trade Relations at the graduate level (Winter semesters, 2017-present)

·      Food and International Development (Fall semesters, 2018-present)

·      Poverty, Food, and Hunger at the undergraduate level (Winter Semesters, 2018-present)


Lecturer, Aarhus University, Denmark


Teaching Assistant, Aarhus University, Denmark


Assistant Lecturer, University of Professional Studies, Accra, Ghana


Course Instructor, ISS, Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands