Swimpedia Update

Presented here is our complete [adult swim] schedule archive. Additional data that will appear on our main site will not be hosted here.

These schedules are currently under review. Episode titles are currently being title cased and edited for accuracy. Asterisks denoting episode premieres are also still a work in progress.

Feel free to use this information, but we would appreciate it if you credited [swimpedia] as the source. Also feel free to drop us a line if you believe anything here to be inaccurate. Provide as much information as you can.

Thank you for your patience! For now, follow us on Twitter, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and join us on Discord for more updates!

This project could not have been possible without the help of the following people:

Captain Starwind, for providing his compiled list of complete ASA schedules.

JUSXTREME96, for his collection of block recordings and knowledge of bumps.

MrHang, for providing schedule data and various bumps.

nhjm449, for providing his schedules from the pre and post-paper schedule years.

zorak303, for his block recordings.

We are eternally grateful!