A14 bridleways

Swavesey Bridleways has been working for some years with Highways England and its consultants, with Cambridgeshire County Council, plus local district and parish councils, and other stakeholders (cycling and walking groups, sports groups, businesses, residents) to ensure suitable new bridleway provision as part of this massive trunk road upgrade.

The result is a parallel brand new inclusive (walkers, cyclists, horseriders) shared use roadside path, hard-surfaced to suit commuter cycling, with grass verges (so very similar to guided busway bridleway) which will run along the north side of the old A14 (now called the A1307) from Fen Drayton to Girton.  

There is a bridleway bridge at Bar Hill, which will link Bar Hill to Longstanton.  

There is a dismounted bridleway bridge at Swavesey, linking Swavesey to Boxworth.  Both bridges have concrete mounting blocks either side.

There are new overbridges incorporating  inclusive (walkers, cyclists, horseriders) shared use roadside path at Lolworth and at Dry Drayton/Oakington, also at Hilton/St Ives, and Conington, and A1198 Godmanchester.