Highlighted Research


1. Microfluidic dissecion: PNAS, 2012, 109 (13) 4916-4920

      • Nature: “News & Views” [Link]

      • Nature Methods: “Research Highlight'” [Link]

      • Lab chip: “Research highlights” [Link]

      • Faculty of 1000 (F1000): 'Exceptional' evaluation [Link]

      • Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD): News [Link]

      • Selected as an article of Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology vol 25 issue 15 (2012) [Link]

Single cell analysis

1. Cell polarization: Integrative Biology, 2012, 4 (4) 381-390

- Lab on a chip blog [Link]

2. Glucose signaling: EMBO Journal, 2010, 29(15) 2515-2526.

- EMBO Journal [Link], Faculty of 1000 (post-publication peer review) [Link]

3. ERK signaling: Molecular Systems Biology 2015, 11(11), 838-855

- Molecular Systems Biology front cover [Link]

Microfluidic array

1. Single cell trap: Lab Chip , 2016, 16, 1358

- Lab on a chip back cover [Link]

2. Programmable microfluidics array: Lab Chip, 2015, 15, 3677- 3686

- Lab on a chip back cover [Link]

Viscoelastic microfluidics: cell / particle handling

1. Viscoelastic focusing: Lab Chip, 2012, 12 (16) 2807-2814.

- Lab on a chip blog and cover [Link]