Publikacja artykułu
Papers, which will be positively evaluated will be published in special issue of Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series
Full text should be send to in a separate file, prepared according to guidelines until 25 February 2018
Author Guidelines
Editorial Note
In order to facilitate publication, the authors are kindly requested to submit texts written according to the rules presented below. The works submitted to the editor’s office will be reviewed, therefore, you are asked to send ta file delivered in an electronic way to
1. The title page
The title page should only contain the title without the author’s name and start in the twelfth verse, and then the text formatted according to the rules. A separate sheet of paper should include the author’s name and surname and the full na me and address of the institution with the telephone, fax, and e - mail addresses. If there are several authors you are asked to indicate the main author responsible for correspondence. If the main author has not been indicated the first listed will play tha t role.
2. The main text
The manuscript should be typed in a word processor (MS WORD), in the A - 4 format with standard margins (2.5 cm margin on top, bottom, right, and left), the font 11 Times New Roman, single - spaced, spacing 0.0 before and 0.0 after . The entire article (with computer - generated figures and tables all in the B - 5 format) should not exceed 12 pages in the A - 4 format (up to 6,000 words - if the article consists of the text only). The article should be preceded by an abstract (100 - 150 words) and four or five keywords, for instance: climate change, Poland, etc. Tables and figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript and the authors should clearly indicate where they should fit in the text. Do not use footnotes. If necessary number the m in the text (1), (2), and insert the Notes section on the last page just before the List of References . The articles are accepted in good English only. The spelling should follow the Oxford English Dictionary.
3. Tables, figures and illustrations
The ta bles should be numbered using Arabic numbers, and the title must be placed above the table. If footnotes are needed, the authors should mark them with letters a, b, c, etc.; and place the symbols and sources below the tables. The footnotes, symbols, and th e sources should be written in font 8, italics. Figures should be marked as “Fig(s)” when the abbreviation is placed in brackets, however the entire w ord “Figure(s)” must be used in the text. They should be numbered using Arabic numbers. The illustrations should be of such quality that the editor would not have to correct them (computer generated – CorelDRAW). The size should match the B - 5 format (horizontally and vertically). They should be black and white. The authors should place the title of the illustration below the illustration with the symbols and the source, etc. all written in font 8, italics. The illustrations should be in the resolution of 300 and over 300 dpi in the tif format. Should you e - mail t he article, make sure you provide illustrations in separate files.
4. The list of references
The text should quote the authors, the year of publication and the page (if it is a citation), e.g. Hurre ll 1995; Kowalski and Zieliński 2006; Kowalski et al. 20 07, and the full credits should be included in the “ List of References” at the end of the main text. Should the same author and year re - occur, the letters a, b, c, etc. must be added. An example:
Hurrell J.W. , 1995, Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation and relationship to regional temperature and precipitation, Science, 269, 676 - 679. DOI:
KOŻUCHOWSKI K ., (ed.), 2005, Meteorologia i klimatologia, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 321 pp. DOI:
PRZYBYLAK R., 2 006, Zmiany klimatu Polski w ostatnich stuleciach, [in:] Gutry - Korycka M., Kędziora A., Starkel L., Ryszkowski L. (eds.), Długookresowe przemiany krajobrazu polskiego w wyniku zmian klimatu i użytkowania ziemi, Poznań, 29 - 48. DOI:
5. General remarks
Articles are accepted for consideration on the understanding that they are not being submitted elsewhere. After submission of the text the Authors receive a “brush” and they may either return it without comments or send it with a list of corrections in due time.
The journal does not have article processingcharges (APCs) nor article submission charges.
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
- This text has not been previously published and/or submitted in another publishing house.
- The file is saved in Microsoft Word (doc) or RTF format.
- The text of the publication is in Times New Roman (12-point font size), spacing 1,5 (for long block quotations: Times New Roman 11 and spacing 1,0).
- Possible sources of the work funding are listed in the publication in a place required by editorial rules. In the submitted work there appear no ghostwriting, guest-authorship and/or conflict of interest. The author is acquainted with the current procedures of texts’ reviewing in the journal.
- The author agrees to the terms and conditions of the License Agreement with Nicolaus Copernicus University. The content of the agreement is available HERE. With regard to the joint publication, the author submitting an article for publication fills in a statement concerning the percentage contribution, in which the contributions of particular co-authors in the submitted text are given. The content of the work is known to all its authors who give permission for it to be published. The completed statement must be uploaded as an additional file along with the article.
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The names and email addresses entered in Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of BGPGS and will not be made available for any other purpose or any other party.