Final Programme

Conference venue: Hotel Przystanek, Chłopickiego St. 4, 87-100 Toruń, Poland

Day 1 – Sunday 20/06/2021

  1. Arrival (Toruń) – 13.00-18.00

  2. Ice-breaking Dinner (on-site, Lokomotywa restaurant) – 19.00

Day 2 – Monday 21/06/2021

  1. Breakfast – 8.00 – 9.00 am

  2. 10.00 Welcome speeches and Workshop opening

  3. ice breaking and international soil introductions (M. Świtoniak, P. Charzyński, P. Hulisz, Ł. Mendyk) – 10.00-11.00am

  4. Lectures ONE 11.00 – 13.00

i. Introduction to WRB as Lingua Franca;

ii. Organic material accumulation

iii. Mineral materials

iv. Humus horizons development

  1. Lunch 13.00 – 14.00

  2. Lectures TWO 14.15 – 15.30

v. Carbonates accumulation;

vi. Clay illuviation, Podzolization;

vii. Gleying process; Salinization;

viii. Soil-forming processes in specific materials and limited by natural mechanical barriers

ix. Incipient soil formation;

x. Anthropogenic soils

  1. 15.30 – 16.00 – discussion;

Dinner – 18.00 (in Przystanek)

Day 3 – Tuesday 22/06/2021

1. Breakfast – 7.30am

2. Departure by coach – 9.00

3. The application of the manual to description and classification of exemplary profiles of soils of sandy Pleistocene terraces according to WRB and discussion on the classification of the observed soils (3-4 profiles eg. Podzols, Arenosols) – fieldworks – 9.00am – approx. 5.00pm

4. Pocket Lunch – 1.00pm or any time you are hungry

5. Dinner – 18.00 (in Przystanek)

Day 4 – Wednesday 23/06/2021

1. Breakfast – 8.00am

2. Departure by coach – 8.45

3. The application of the manual to description and classification of exemplary profiles of soils of soils of morainic plateau edge zone / Vistula river Valley slope - Przy Talerzyku Vineyard - according to WRB and discussion on the classification of the observed soils (2-3 profiles eg. eg. Retisols, Luvisols, Phaezoems) – fieldworks – 9.00am – approx. 5.00pm

4. Wine tasting and Lunch – approx. 1.00 pm

5. Dinner – 18.00 (in Przystanek)

Day 5 – Thursday 24/06/2021

1. Breakfast – 7.30am

2. Departure by coach – 9.00

3. The application of the manual to description and classification of exemplary profiles of soils of poor natural drainage morainic plateau (Inowrocław, 35 km SW of Toruń) according to WRB and discussion on the classification of the observed soils (3 profiles eg. Gleysols, Gleyic Chernozems, Technosols) – fieldworks – 9.00am – approx. 5.00pm

5. Pocket Lunch – 1.00pmor any time you are hungry

6. Final remarks on soils observed during fieldworks and further discussion on theire classification. Comparison of soils in context of environmental settings .

7. Dinner (Luizjana - Dwór Artusa restaurant)+ Farewell Party – 18.00pm

Day 6 – Friday 25/06/2021

1. Departure

Soils of WRB Summer 2019: