VLF Grabbers

This is a list of VLF grabbers (websites that link VLF receivers to the internet for all to see). Some are on continuously whereas others may only be activated during specific VLF tests. Please let me have details of any grabbers missing from the list.

Also note http://digilander.libero.it/i2ndt/grabber/grabber-compendium.htm which has links to many grabbers including those for LF, MF and microwaves.

Permanent VLF 24/7 Grabbers - updated 27.12.18

If you know of grabbers I have missed (there must be others), please tell me so they may be added!

There is no longer a VLF grabber at G3XVL as Chris has too much local noise.

Temporary VLF Grabbers (on for special tests only and not 24/7) - updated 29.3.14