VLF Amateur News 2014
Please check either the RSGB's LF reflector email list or http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/sub9khz/ for latest news. Although I try to maintain this news page as soon as possible, there are times (like recently) when I have been away, sick, or on holiday and unable to do so.
Dec 31st 2014
Dex W4DEX has summarised his recent transatlantic sub-9kHz tests at
Dec 18th 2014
W4DEX transmitting 8822 Hz carrier 2014-12-15 20:50
to 2014-12-16 04:00 UT.
Reception at Bielefeld Germany by DL4YHF
This confirms a previous reception at 8820 Hz on the 2nd Dec
to achieve a new distance record for amateur VLF signal detection
of 6918km.
Average S/N at various times and bandwidths
21:00 to 04:00 in 39.7uHz 11.2dB
21:00 to 03:00 in 46.3uHz 10.4dB
22:00 to 04:00 in 46.3uHz 10.7dB
21:00 to 02:00 in 55.5uHz 9.5dB
22:00 to 03:00 in 55.5uHz 9.9dB
23:00 to 04:00 in 55.5uHz 12.6dB
21:00 to 01:00 in 69.4uHz 7.4dB
22:00 to 02:00 in 69.4uHz 9.0dB
23:00 to 03:00 in 69.4uHz 12.0dB
00:00 to 04:00 in 69.4uHz 11.2dB
21:00 to 00:00 in 92.6uHz 4.2dB
22:00 to 01:00 in 92.6uHz 6.0dB
23:00 to 02:00 in 92.6uHz 11.4dB
00:00 to 03:00 in 92.6uHz 10.4dB
01:00 to 04:00 in 92.6uHz 9.6dB
21:00 to 23:00 in 138.9uHz -6.0dB
22:00 to 00:00 in 138.9uHz 2.2dB
23:00 to 01:00 in 138.9uHz 9.8dB
00:00 to 02:00 in 138.9uHz 9.5dB
01:00 to 03:00 in 138.9uHz 8.6dB
02:00 to 04:00 in 138.9uHz 7.1dB
S/N and phase in 1 hour steps, 278uHz
21:00 5.2dB -107.8
22:00 2.1dB
23:00 3.9dB -147.7
00:00 6.2dB -146.1
01:00 7.3dB -174.4
02:00 4.2dB -134.5
03:00 3.8dB 175.4
Paul Nicholson
Dec 10th 2014
Uwe DJ7WX was recently testing his new antenna (Dec 2nd) on 8.27kHz. This antenna is longer than the previous one. He has alreadybeen well received by Paul Nicholson in the UK using it.
Dec 7th 2014
Somehow I missed this news about recent tests by W4DEX on VLF:
5 Dec (2 days ago)
Paul Nicholson <vlf0403@abelian.org>
to rsgb_lf_group
A spectrum from the natural radio receiver at Sebring Florida
27.516N,81.517W range 869.4 km run by Joel Gonzalez,
S/N is 12.6 dB in 55.5 uHz.
The noise level there is often quite high both natural and man
made. A rough spectrogram shows quite a good nighttime S/N
but only for a while. A summer daytime test might do better
on that path with less background to compete with.
For comparison, here is W4DEX at Hawley Texas in similar
bandwidth during the day on 2nd June, range to Hawley is 1816km.
Jim AA5BW wrote:
> I can run 10uW ERP at 8820 Hz for ~ 12 hour periods;
> oscillator stability may be ~100uHz.
I think you would need another 7 to 10dB ERP increase and
stability of order 10uHz to have a chance.
If you can't manage so much power but can do long transmissions,
it might just be worth trying the summer daytime T/A path.
It is long and stable and although attenuation is higher,
the background noise is lower. Might just be detectable in
something like 25uHz bandwidth for a full day carrier.
But your 10uW ought to reach Forest VA 37.344N,79.288W without
difficulty. Markus DF6NM achieves over 1000km with 10uW or
less, over a mostly land path - and gets across 14 character
messages at that ERP and distance.
For converting fT to uV and vice versa, on distant signals
I just assume free space impedance and use
fT = uV * 3.333
uV = ft / 3.333
The 3.333 is just 1/c combined with some powers of 10
to convert the micro and femto units.
Paul Nicholson
Nov 18th 2014
Hello VLF!
Mine VLF-grabber 8270 Hz is now active and will work one or two weeks. Unfortunately there NO Internet therefore all reports will be "manually" ) (47 uHz and 1 mHz window, sync'd to GBZ)
Pse ur tx! :)
73 de RN3AUS/Alex
Nov 15th 2014
Uwe, DJ8WX, has been intermittently ("when the sky is blue") testing on 8.27kHz recently and has been copied by Paul Nicholson in the UK and by Stefan DK7FC.
Oct 9th 2014
Stefan is busy again:
This afternoon i'm attempting to transmit on my INV-L on 136.172 Hz (not kHz!). Just preparing my H bridge VLF PA and i intend to use an old 10 kV transformer which i got from an old furnance (to inflame the oil stream), see https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19882028/VLF/10kV%20Trafo.jpg
Will that work on 2.4 km distance? It's well inside the near field. Which mode could be possible? QRSS-3? CW? The 2200000 m band, or 2.2 Mm band :-) A near field of 350 km !! I hope i can apply 10 kV to the antenna. It will not be resonated. And maybe i will see harmonics as well, because the input is rectangular...
73, Stefan/DK7FC
Sept 22nd 2014
I made spectrograms of W4DEX at 8971.1 Hz,
Signal/Noise ratio
The amplitude scale is approximately fT. There's enough signal to send about 12 to 18 bits (2 or 3 characters) during the short night window, and maybe nearly the same again but slower over the weaker daytime path.
Paul Nicholson
July21st 2014
For pictures and sound clips.
July 11th 2014
Hello VLF!
Trace on my grabber on 8270.
Grabber http://rn3aus.narod.ru/VLF/index.html
June 22nd 2014
Dear Group, (sent to RSGB LF group)
I tried again to get an LOA for VLF. This time, the response from Industry Canada was favourable: 10 mW 8.0-8.3 kHz. Yesterday, after a few slight rf burns, and thanks to PA0RDT's miniwhip design and DL4YHF's Spectrum Lab and advice, VLF sigs on 8.277 kHz were heard at 200m from the 100m wire aerial. This was a reception outside my back yard! 10 watts from an 1970's keyboard amp (volume control set on 3) were stepped up with an xfmr to a lossy 500 ohm tuning coil peaked with a ferrite rod for maximum squeal at L=0.35 H.
Is it possible for someone who is not especially enthralled by winding a mile of 0.7mm wire to use an iron core to make a VLF tuning coil?
June 4th 2014
Transatlantic 8.971kHz
In recent weeks there have been successful transatlantic tests on 8.971kHz which have been copied in Europe by Paul Nicholson (and others?). Dex W4DEX has been transmitting a long, stable carrier. See http://w4dex.com/vlf/8971Hz/ .
May 23rd 2014
Coherent BPSK at 8270 from DF6NM
Marcus DF6NM, Paul Nicholson and others have been experimenting with coherent BPSK at 8.270kHz with very good results.
As Paul says, "In combination with coherent signalling and Viterbi list decoding, a circa 10uW ERP signal is decoded with 95% reliability at a range of over 1000km and achieves 85% of the Shannon capacity."
May 3rd 2014
"Since 10:32 I am on air again with a straight carrier on 8270.000 Hz, same power as in earlier tests (0.3 A current or about 10 to 15 uW ERP). There seems to be a small peak on the DK7FC grabber, and I hope that some of the currently dormant VLF grabbers (eg. OK2BVG, PA1SDB) may be coming online again.
Interestingly my VLF grabber http://www.df6nm.de/vlf/vlfgrabber.htm which is currently in RDF mode on the loops is not being overloaded, other than showing some noise increase.
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)"
April 27th 2014
VLF radio enthusiasts are not limited to listening, some are sending out signals using home built equipment. The samples here are from an experiment to find out if VLF can be used for amateur communications. It was done in the Sierra Nevada Mountains in California. The transmitter sent out an intermittent CW (continuous wave) signal at one mile from the receiver, then again at two miles. The frequency used was 1.8 Kilohertz, well within the VLF range.
Sample 1 (650 Kb) Low power (one-half watt) at one mile
Sample 2 (650 Kb) High power (100 watts) at one mile
Sample 3 (650 Kb) High power (100 watts) at two miles
The above information comes from Laurence Kramer
March 24th 2014
Today I received an update from Harry Woodhouse, G3MFW on recent earth-mode tests near Truro in Cornwall. With 41W Harry has covered 18km by utilities assisted earth-mode. A very good distance. I am adding Harry's paper as a page attachment (see bottom of page called: 8.97kHz_underground.doc).
March 14th 2014
Great news from IK7FMO in Italy!
Hi all, this past night my signal, from SE Italy, was visible to the Grabber OK2BVG.
Issued but not yet stable.
Frequency: 8269.993
Time: 07:00 - 08:00 GMT
Marconi antenna - 70 W 0ut. QRB: 866Km.
'73 from Richard - IK7FMO - JN80OX
Feb 28th 2014
Eddie G3ZJO and Henny have been busy copying Russian ZEVS (submarine) signals around 82Hz. More activity is reported recently - Ukraine related maybe?
Feb 25th 2014
At last I have received an official response from OFCOM re sub-8.3kHz operation in the UK. See http://g3xbm-qrp.blogspot.co.uk/ .
Also DJ8WX announces operation tonight Feb 25th:
"Hi Rodger and Eddie,
so I do announce herewith that the TX will stay on the air the coming night
with 5000sec/dashes forming a castle mode letter.
If the TX will be switched off during that time the reason would be bad WX / rain.
Feb 23rd 2014
Apparently Uwe DL8WX has been active again in recent days. Only those with grabbers already running will have seen him. PLEASE may we have prior warning? It maximises chances of being spotted!
Feb 2nd 2014
Another obscure comment "I can Cee Uuu" from PA1SDB timed at 15:34 today would appear to refer to a signal on 8270.005Hz which may be from DL8WX, if it is Uwe he normally leaves his TX on overnight.
73 Eddie G3ZJO
Feb 18th 2014
More news from Stefan DK7FC:
Markus, VLF,
Am 01.02.2014 20:34, schrieb Markus Vester:
>running two 478 µHz "6000" windows centered on 5755 Hz (on the grabber, but much QRM here) and also 17265 Hz (offline) which seems more quiet. So hoping for a long carrier...
Well, i hope that 16 hours key down were long enough ;-)
>On which of the two frequencies would you expect to radiate more power?
I don't know. But the harmonic signal is very weak and cannot cause interferences for JXN or HWU or SAQ or GBZ...
I've done measurements at home, 950m distance, of that 5.755 kHz transmission and saw that the signal was very weak, see attachment. Just 50 dB SNR in 4.5 mHz at 3HD. The TX power was just 15W at the end. Also the frequency response of the active antenna + soundcard is attached.
The experiments are very interesting here and i like to do the measurements. Despite rain the coil was on the top of the building and on air. It was just covered by a trash bag. The voltages are very small...
I just hang out a 30cm long wire connected to a probe of the oscilloscope and so the voltage waveform of the antenna wire. It nearly looks as expected :-)
Now i got another idea. There is a 2.2 uF WIMA MKP-10 capacitor in series to the output of the H bridge, just to protect it against damage in case of a DC output. Now i've disconnected the antenna and tuned for the series resonance of this C and the L of the primary winding of the loading coil. The resonance is at 1.77 kHz. This allowed me to calculate a much smaller additional series C which helps to attenuate unwanted frequency components, i.e. makes the spectrum cleaner and provides a lower impedance on the wanted frequency :-)
There is really no alternative to that H bride PA which works from 10 Hz to 100 kHz :-)
in a few minutes i will be on air again for a longer time, hopefully with a much stronger signal.
Maybe you can detect something of that 5.755 kHz transmission.
73,GL, Stefan/DK7FC
Jan 30th
Hi VLF friends,
For those how could be interested in local VLF experiments, i'm now transmitting on the 70m long 30m high antenna with the LOPT transformer. TX power is just 3W. Mode is QRSS-400. The transmit frequency is 5.756666 kHz, GPS "locked" in SpecLab.
Last night i've done a first local test on that frequency, 30m distance. The signal was visible in the grabber window, as well as a weak 3rd harmonic was detected (3HD) at 17.27 kHz.
Now, with the todays experiment i'm trying to receive that weak signal on 5.75666 kHz from my home QTH in nearly 1 km distance. If successful, a few /p receive tests will be done. And, in previous tests, "the big coil" will be used.
73 and gl with your own projects :-)
Jan 29th 2014
OK2BVG's excellent reception of DJ8WX on 8.270kHz recently.
Jan 21st 2014
"Uwe is again producing very good traces on the European grabbers. Even in my noisy location I am now getting a nice peak in the 42 uHz FFT (slightly higher due to an uncorrected 0.25 mHz error in my frequency readout).
Uwe, do you intend to stay on longer tonight?
Best 73,
Markus (DF6NM)"
Jan 13th 2014
There has been almost too much VLF activity recently to keep abreast of around 8.270kHz from DJ8WX, PA1SDB,DK7FC/P and OK1 and W. Great to see such renewed interest.
A reminder that to successfully copy VLF amateur stations at any distance it is necessary to use Spectrum Lab in locked mode with the dsplay ative and slowly scrolling for HOURS and with very narrow bandwidths (typically 42uHz or 420uHz). The exception is VLF earth-mode that I have copied at nearly 6km with relatively wide QRSS3 bandwidths (0.34Hz) . For example, DJ8WX leaves a good trace here but it takes days before this is clear on the screen as a few solid lines. If you can't look yourself,check the various grabbers now active.
Jan 3rd 2014
From DJ8WX
OK. OK. dreamers, the TX is on the air since 1309UTC.
QRG: 8270.000Hz.
WX: continuous rain but not so strong.
when ever the order comes, I can switch to Op-4H.
VLF. If I did configure my RX PC well, then I'm now (Saturday Jan 4 - 11h UTC) RX ing in OPDS 4H on 8270 Hz. No time to setup a dropbox, but will do that next week. Not much free radio hobby time this weekend...
73's, Peter - PA1SDB
And from the USA....
Hi All,
I just finished measuring the results of the coil I wound today. Antenna current is 0.400 Ma as measured with a Fluke T5-100 clamp on amp meter. Maybe my 1500 foot loop will TX a signal now. I would like to give it a test run tonight if anyone will be able to listen for me. Let me know if you can.
I plan to wind another coil and see if I can increase the antenna current and one more idea to try this weekend.