VLF Amateur TX Stations
This page will include some details and photos of the transmitters and TX antennas used by various radio amateurs active at VLF. For a fuller list of amateur VLF stations known to be active now or in the past please see https://sites.google.com/site/sub9khz/stationsPlease let me have photos and details of your stations to include here.PA3CPM
Henny has been operational from Holland now for a few weeks using a simple station running 40W into his 137kHz antenna via a yoghurt pot loading coil and getting good results. Best DX reports so far are DF6NM 517km and G3ZJO 403km. He is working on a new loading coil which will allow high power operations. His results so far are encouraging for smaller stations. Henny is able to achieve 150mA antenna current on 6.47kHz with the new loading coil (see left image). His older loading coil is on the right.The coil shown here is resonated on 5.170kHz using both the old and new coils together.
Joe, VO1NA, built this elegant coil for 8.277kHz.
Stefan DK7FC has been a trail blazer on VLF from his location near Heidelberg, Germany. In spring 2010 he began a series of tests from near Heidelberg from a portable location using a kite supported Marconi vertical antenna fed from a MOSFET power amplifier via a huge loading coil. A version of his PA can be seen here together with one of his enormous loading coils for VLF work with the kite supported antenna.Details of Stefan's exploits may be found at his website.To get some real impression what a 300m long kite supported antenna looks like take, a look a Stefan's high quality photos (click on the images to see full size). You must agree it is a VERY long antenna, which helps to explain why DK7FC/P puts out a potent VLF signal.
This is Stefan's enormous VLF loading coil - nearly as big as his car!
Uwe's impressive station and antennas put out a potent signal on VLF from his north German QTH. The image, from Uwe's website, shows the extensive Marconi antenna system behind his property. Much more information on his website.
Lubos OK2BVG has created an impressive and effective VLF transmitting station in recent days. His signal is being copied at great distances now on 8.97kHz. His website has lots of information. See http://www.ok2bvg.cz/This is a picture from his website showing his magnificent loading coil. It is a work of art!
Chris has been using around 150W to an inverted L antenna (40m out, 10m up) with a large loading coil. Sometimes he has also used balloon or kite assistance. The image shows the original loading coil in use back in the January snow! Since then, Chris has made a new loading coil which is performing better.