ELA Connection

PBL Journal

September 3, 2013

Today our teacher informed us that we would soon choose a PBL project based on principles of either science or math. We are to execute and present our projects in a way similar to a science fair project, however we our projects are executed along specific, assigned guidelines and the results would be presented on a website via the internet, instead of in person with a poster board display.

September 10, 2013

After a week of thought, I have decided to choose a project that emphasizes geometric principles, mainly because I am intrigued by them. I have referred to my math teacher for advice. He agreed with me that geometry is something that I should do because he said that I "have a growing interest and a higher understanding of geometry".

September 20, 2013

I have chosen to follow my teachers advice, and I have chosen to execute a project that uses string designs for geometry. My project will use string number patterns to create an image.

September 21, 2013

I have determined how I will connect the project to geometry and to other technological advantages. I will have to cogitate over the matter and try to find somebody who can help.

September 30, 2013

October 29,2013

I have realized that the project is harder than I expected. I have decided to get someone to advise me and help me with the project because string designs are extremely difficult. Some assistance is greatly needed.

November 6,2013

After being informed that we have make a video for our PBL project, I realized that unlike my peers, I could not create a video because I have not finished my project yet. Hopefully, my friend will be available next week to help me with the project.

October 27, 2013

The project material have arrived later than expected, this was disappointing in a way because of the fact that I would have liked to work on it in the weekend. However, I was excited because I would finally get to build the project.

October 10, 2013

I have ordered the materials for my project, the order receipt said that it should arrive within two weeks and I hope to get started as soon as it arrives.

October 17, 2013

Today I went to a crafts website and took a look at the several designs. A lot of them were interesting and I hope to crate one that really intrigues me.

I have decided to create several designs but I have yet to find out how I will do it.

December 2, 2013

Today, I completed my social studies connection. I was generally surprised that I finished it so fast. This was most probably due to the fact that I was so engaged in the topic. I like the fact that the project can be so different with thewide array of designs. What I like so much about the project is that the possibilities are endless.

November 23, 2013

My friend knows exactly what to do for the project. I should be able finish it in time now.

November 24, 2013

At exactly 3:24 PM I finished building my string design with my friend at school. I was so overwhelmed that I rushed upstairs and typed this in the school computer lab.