3. Knight Outposts

Chapter 3 of the Strategic Test Suite: Knight OutPosts/Centralization/Repositioning is now available for download.

* Consists of carefully selected 100 questionairres on Knight OutPosts/Centralization/Repositioning

(1) A Knight move to take control of the center or posit itself in the center. (Centralization)

(2) A Knight move to step back and reposition itself to lead the different (or better) path. (Repositioning)

(3) A Knight move to take control of the opponent's weak squares (Outposts)

Recommended Test time:

Short time control: 10 seconds each move.

Intermediate Time Control: 1 minute each move

Long Time Control: 7 minutes each move.

And Extra Special Thanks to Ulysses for creating the beautiful logo!

Test Suite Released time: 3rd of June, 2009