First Sunday Tournament
On the first Sunday of every month (with the exception of holidays) there is a Straight Pool Tournament open to everyone, whether or not they are League members. If there are more players than tables to accommodate a smooth-flowing tournament, some players may be asked to come back on another day for a select masters group tournament. Registration for the open tournament is required by 10:30 AM on the day of the tournament. The tournament generally runs into mid to late afternoon. The entry fee is $20. Cash prizes and Sam's Billiards gift certificates are awarded. Formats are arranged to enable players of similar skill levels a chance to compete with each other. Generally, players play a minimum of 3 matches. There are no handicaps. The goals for each match are set low enough to get through several matches in under 4 hours. The tournament is played upstairs at Sam's Billiards. Contact Dan Barouty, (917) 992-1431, for more information.