How do I join the league:

Buzz Poleson is the league director. Contact him at buzz.poleson@gmail.com


Scoring wheels are on the end rail, where the balls are racked.

When the player is done with his/her run at the table. You score your ball run, on the running rack wheel.

There are 4 wheels. 2 wheels on the left, and 2 on the right. Normally the outside wheels are your game totals. And the inner wheels are used as the rack totals (rack of 15 balls currently on the table).

(To adjust your rack count after each turn, 1) count the number of balls on the table, 2) add your opponents rack wheel total, then 3) subtract the total of these two from 15 to get your score.)

Logging counting matches:

There is a binder in the locked ball ball cabinet located upstairs, in the hall by the restrooms.

Normally the winner of the match will log the match in this binder. Please write clearly the player's first name AND last name initial. This assists the league data recorder with reporting accurate results.

Setting up counting matches:

The player roster of current members is updated frequently on the Roster page of this site. Feel free to contact individuals on the roster to arrange matches. Sometimes there are 14.1 league members upstairs at Sam's during the day. Matches are often arranged in person at Sam's. Don't be shy about asking for a match.

Another option is https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/1/r/month/2022/12/1, where you can see if a match is open that you can fill or post your own open match.

What tables can we play on:

All tables are open to play. Only the 4.5X9 foot tables are used for scoring counting matches. When Sam's is busy, management would like league members to play upstairs. Generally, leave the main floor for paying customers. If Sam's gets very busy wait staff may ask for members to give up their table for paying customers or require payment for table time from league members. Please be cooperative and polite.

Can I bring a guest:

You can have guests play with you. But guests must pay Sam's normal table time rate. When you check in at the front desk tell them you have a guest with you.