How to choose the perfect violin bow, string, and cello bow

Musical instruments are the most precious thing for any music enthusiast. For all kinds of music lovers, their musical instruments are the essential thing. Choosing and maintaining the best instruments is part and parcel of the musician's job. With the best musical instruments, they can perform with their true potential and bring out their best performance.

Violin strings, violin bow, and cello bows are three mutually necessary instruments for the musicians and the music itself. From the very beginning, these instruments capture the bulk of the market and maintain the flow of music.

violin bow

Importance of the maintenance

Violin strings, violin bows, and cello bows are essential items for violin and cello players. Therefore, the maintenance of these items is crucial for all those musicians. By implanting the idea that these instruments are essential for live performances and the musicians' practices, and if not taken care of, these instruments will disintegrate.

These instruments will play a pivotal role in making budding musicians and influence them to perform better.

How do you select the correct one?

There are several things to take into account before opting for violin strings and violin bows. To opt for the perfect students must have the clarity in their mind that allows them to choose the perfect option according to them. There is Brazilwood and Pernambuco wood that are the materials for the best strings and bows. 

As per the cello bow is concerned, it is either handcrafted or machine-made. The demand for handcrafted cello bows is very high, but some students also prefer machine-made.

What will be the suitable price?

The price of the cello bow depends on the quality of the bow. How it is made and what kind of material has been used by the maker – is essential for the price of the bow. As per violin strings and the violin bow, two instruments are available in the music market. One is handcrafted, and the other one is machine-made. The demand for handmade strings and bows is high because their durability is higher than average strings and bows. 

What is their durability?

Violin strings and violin bow are the two essential items for the violin player. Unfortunately, the horsehair used in these instruments can be affected by the rosin dust and damage the strings and bows. So it is crucial to get rid of that to increase the durability from 6 months to one year.

As per the cello bow, the horsehair used inside plays a pivotal role in getting it right and increasing its durability. Typically a cello bow lasts for 8 to 9 months with proper maintenance. 

What is the ideal size?

The average size of the violin strings and violin bow is ¾, and the size of the cello bow is 4/4. However, the measure depends on the student who is buying and performing with it. Students can choose offline or online the affordable and suitable size of these instruments.

cello bow


Maintaining the violin strings, violin bow, and cello bow can be troublesome, especially for novice students. However, it is essential that students can maintain the quality of their instruments because that will allow them to produce quality music.