Private Violin Lessons

Private Violin Lessons | Warm Ups For Daily Practice 

If you ever took private violin lessons, you would know about the need for daily practice sessions. Even if you are starting, you would want your private violin lessons to tune in to your system and make your body limber! 

It is essential to get a good warmup session before starting with your private violin lessons. Various institutions provide you with affordable violin lessons. These institutions would help you with your future performances greatly. Your violin is affected differently by multiple conditions such as weather, humidity, the acoustics of the room you are playing, and how you physically feel. These are some of the most common factors which a violin player feels from their private violin lessons. 

Ensuring that you have a slow and comfortable warm up would maximize your efficiency with this instrument. This would mean that your affordable violin lessons would ultimately pay off. Warming up would also give you a chance to polish your skills. Thus, you can focus more on your technique and posture and become the ultimate master with a violin. 

private violin lessons

Warmup Practices For Your Private Violin Lessons

There are a few warm up practices we would like to suggest before you start with your violin lessons. These are as follows:

1. Long tones

Start by playing long tones. This implies using a prolonged movement with your bow from frog to tip and tip to frog on the open strings. Sometimes you would have to repeat the whole process multiple times until it is smoother. You can also play in front of a mirror to watch your bow stay straight and parallel to the bridge. 

2. Long tones on three-octave scales

For your private violin lessons' second warmup exercise, we recommend you do the same long tones on the G three-octave scale. If you are not aware of the G three-octave scale, you can use either exercise on a G one-octave or two-octave scale. 

3. Bow strokes

Playing bow strokes at the frog is a great warmup practice. You can play 4-8 short bow strokes from the frog to just below the middle of the bow on the open strings. You could also make shorter bow strokes to ensure the smoothness of the bow changes. Slow down the speed of your bow, increasing the pressure and anticipating the shift in the direction of the motion of your bow. 

affordable violin lessons

4. Bow strokes at the tip of your bow

We are on the number four of your warm up lesson. We are at the end of our list with these exercises before your private violin lessons. Use the tip of your bow right from the middle to ensure that you have a smooth transition with your playing schedule. 


After completing these three warm up lessons for your private violin lessons, we presume that you are ready to move to a new level. You need to be completely relaxed during your sessions or performance. This can only be achieved if you are taking the best affordable violin lessons. Take your time. Make yourself familiar with your violin. Make sure that you do not rush with your warm up exercises. 

 We hope that these exercises would make you feel like you have an excellent warmup session. Have fun playing this magical instrument!