Brief Overview about the perfect Violin bow for you

Bowing is one of the fundamental skills which one has to adopt, especially by the new learners. While someone is learning violin for the first time, one needs to have a clear idea about the various violin strings and violin bow. Violin bow has to be handled skilfully along with different stroke styles to play multiple notes in the violin. Unlike the cello bow, one should note that the violin bow is small in size and is often very difficult to handle by most of the new students. 

So while learning violin for the first time, the teacher will provide various tips and techniques which will make the student understand the whole usage of the violin bow. The most common issue that one may face in the learning procedure is that many may have poor wrist hand-arm position, inappropriate violin bow movement, tuning the violin, and even maintaining the violin strings. Therefore, it is essential to learn the correct bowing techniques, or else it may have a negative impact on the overall learning process of the student. Here are few fundamental tips which one can follow to improve the prevalent violin bow techniques, which are as follows: 

violin bow

Grip the bow correctly: 

As mentioned earlier that adopting the correct bowing technique will provide the best sound from the violin. Yes, violin strings play an essential role in the overall sound experience of the violin, but bowing techniques will help one produce the desired tone. Too much stiffness or too much-angled grip won’t work, so one has to hold the violin bow in a much more comfortable way along with a stable hand. 

Elbow must be placed at a right angle:  

One must develop a habit in the learning process by standing in front of a mirror holding the violin bow on the violin strings. There must be a gap between the fingerboard and the bridge. In such a way, it forms a perfect square with imaginary straight lines in respect of your shoulders and elbows. It must form a straight line with the violin bow. 

Keep the Violin Bow in the middle of the violin: 

I know many of you faced difficulties holding the violin bow perfectly. From the very beginning, it is essential to adopt this skill as many intermediate-level violin players often face problems placing the violin bow perfectly on the violin strings. It is ideal for beginners to hold the violin bow perfectly between the space between the fingerboard and the bridge in your violin. Unlike the cello bow, it is challenging for many to handle the violin bow perfectly as it is smaller than the cello bow. Many have the concept that violin strings are the only crucial part of the violin to produce the best tone, but having a good grip on the violin bow will enable you to create a different tone from the violin. 

cello bow

It is very interesting for many to learn new string instruments. So one is suggested to start learning from the best teachers to adopt the skills as fast as one can. Before learning about the violin, it is essential to know the fundamental function of violin strings and violin bow. So don’t hold back; start learning from today only!