We're having services in person Sundays at 10 am as well as services online. Masks are optional
-- check these locations for online services:
We're also creative with whereever you live home-based common elements communion on the First Sunday of the month. In person we have individual communion packets. All are welcome. Always.
Special worship services and events
Christmas Eve (Next - December 24, 2023)
3:00 pm Service for All Ages - Candlelight Service with Communion
Ash Wednesday (Next - February 23, 2024)
Worship service with Ashes and Communion
Maundy Thursday (Next - April 6, 2024)
Communion and Tenebrae Service
Easter Sunday (Next - April 9, 2024)
7:30 am -- "Sunrise" service
8:30 am - Easter Breakfast
10:00 am -- Easter Celebration with Communion and Living Cross