Spring Clean-up projects

Left bordering Fence: completed!

Last year's NIP grant to replace our aging fencing was approved very late in the year. Some of the panels were replaced in the fall, but the last panels on the left side were replaced the first week of May! We completed this project once the ground thawed so that we could put additional posts in. The fence now extends to the ground so that pests can't enter the garden. Anyone interested in the leftover wood from the old fence should email the garden at: stowhillgarden@gmail.com

SPRING 2019 NIP Grant from City of Troy

Lorelei wrote up a grant requesting funding for an upgraded compost bin and lumber for raised bed over the winter. The city just approved it this week! We will have a work day to construct the raised beds so that our new gardeners don't have to build their own. Plus, we will have increased capacity for processing compost! Great job, Lorelei!

Public Relations Post Installed

Wanted to get involved with the garden but didn't know about this website? Now there is an easier way to find us! Patrons of our garden can drop a note in the mailbox or sign the guestbook. We installed a locking mailbox into a waterproof station and included waivers and sign-up postcards, along with a waterproof guestbook! We are working on establishing regular meetings to get everyone more involved.

Accessible raised bed installed

A beautiful accessible raised bed appeared in the garden in early May! It isn't fully set up or planted yet, but we are happy to have it!

What's growing?

Liz's strawberries are taking off! Lindsey's fall-planted garlic bulbs are getting taller and her early season onions were just transferred into the raised bed. Lorelei's prepping her bed with compost and TJ just added a layer of mulch. Out front, daffodils are in bloom along with some johnny jump-up pansies from the bunch that went to seed last year. Our creeping phlox by the post has beautiful blue blooms. May 15th is the end of risk of frost, so now is the perfect time to get involved!