Systematic Bird List

Stoke Newington Reservoirs and Woodberry Wetlands Systematic Bird list 

Canada Goose (b)

Greylag Goose

Mute Swan (b)

Bewick’s Swan: 3 on 12.2.1956

Egyptian Goose


Mandarin Duck 

Garganey: juv. on 5.9.2005


Gadwall (b)

Wigeon [15 on 2.10.2007]

Mallard (b) 


Red-crested Pochard

Pochard (b)

Tufted Duck (b)

Scaup: juv. on 19.1.2010

Velvet Scoter: 23.12.1992

Common Scoter: 2 fem. on 21.10.2009

Goldeneye: fem. on 9.12.2011

Smew: 4 on 17.1.1982

Goosander: 3 on 13.1.1963

Red-breasted Merganser: 3 on 18.2.1979

Ruddy Duck

Red-legged Partridge: 13.4.2009


Great Northern Diver: from 4 - 13 Feb., 2009


Shag: from 10 - 11.12.1983

Bittern: 19.1.2016

Little Egret [6 on 28.6.2015]

Grey Heron

Little Grebe (b)

Red-necked Grebe: 1.12.1984

Great Crested Grebe (b. First breeding record here 1912)

Slavonian Grebe: 3.4.2005

Black-necked Grebe: 29.8.2006

Red Kite


Common Buzzard

Osprey: over on 4.4.2008

Water Rail

Moorhen (b)

Coot (b)

Avocet: over on 2.4.2016


Ringed Plover: 16.3.2016

Little Ringed Plover [5 on 27.6.2014]

Whimbrel: 2 over on 21.9.2007

Black-tailed Godwit: 3 on 5.7.2014

Ruff: 25.8.1992

Curlew Sandpiper: 2 on 1.8.1992

Temmink’s Stint: 6.8.2004

Woodcock: 11.12.2007 

Jack Snipe: Feb. 2002


Common Sandpiper [11 on 26.7.2014]

Green Sandpiper

Greenshank: 15.5.2009


Wood Sandpiper: Aug. 1994

Black Tern: 3.5.2011 [6 in May 1993]

Sandwich Tern: 4 over on 3.9.2006

Common Tern

Arctic Tern: 26.4.2013

Black-headed Gull

Little Gull: 31.8.2008

Mediterranean Gull: 16.1.2015

Common Gull

Lesser Black-backed Gull (b)

Herring Gull

Yellow-legged Gull 

Iceland Gull: juv. on 15.12.2008

Glaucous Gull: 20.2.1986

Great Black-backed Gull

Rock Dove (b)

Stock Dove

Woodpigeon (b)

Collared Dove

Turtle Dove: 11.5.1995

Ring-necked Parakeet (b)

Cuckoo: April 1988

Tawny Owl [bred until early 1980s]

Short-eared Owl: over on 6.4.2009

Swift [breed in Stoke Newington]

Kingfisher [winter visitor]

Green Woodpecker (b)

Great Spotted Woodpecker (b)

Lesser Spotted Woodpecker: 23.10.2004

Kestrel (b) 


Peregrine Falcon

Golden Oriole: fem. on 12.5.2006

Magpie (b)

Jay (b) 


Rook: 3 on 15.2.2003

Carrion Crow (b)

Goldcrest (b)

Firecrest: 4.3.2016 to 1.4.2016

Blue Tit (b)

Great Tit (b)

Coal Tit

Skylark: 17.10.1999 [rarely grounded here]

Sand Martin


House Martin

Cetti's Warbler (b first 2015)

Long-tailed Tit (b)

Yellow-browed Warbler: 10.10.2015

Chiffchaff (b)

Willow Warbler (b)

Blackcap (b)

Garden Warbler (b)

Lesser Whitethroat


Sedge Warbler (b)

Reed Warbler (b)

Waxwing: 8 on 16.3.1996

Nuthatch: 7.5.2015

Wren (b)

Starling (b)

Blackbird (b)


Song Thrush (b)


Mistle Thrush (b)

Spotted Flycatcher

Robin (b)

Pied Flycatcher: 10.4.2016

Black Redstart: fem. on 29.4.2013

Common Redstart: 19.4.2013

Whinchat: fem. on 13.5.2014

Stonechat: 7.3.2015

Wheatear: 2.4.2016

Dunnock (b)

House Sparrow (b)

Yellow Wagtail

Grey Wagtail (b)

Pied Wagtail (b)

Tree Pipit: 11.4.2014

Meadow Pipit

Rock Pipit: 13.10.2006

Chaffinch (b)


Greenfinch (b)

Goldfinch (b)



Lesser Redpoll


Reed Bunting (b)


Black Swan: 16.2.2005

Ruddy Shelduck: 14.1.1996

N.B. Reliable local birders from the 1970s say that a Pintail, a Long-tailed Duck and a Dunlin were seen. However they’re not included in the list above because we haven’t been able to find more information.

TeRNS Stoke Newington reservoirs wildlife group Hackney London N16 Twitter
TeRNS on twitter. The Reservoirs Nature Society, Stoke Newington, London.Top Stoke Newington Reservoirs and Woodberry Wetlands © TeRNS 2003