Tree Pipit

Anthus trivialis

Rare here, one was seen by the West reservoir on the 16th of April 1994. There are three other records, all singles, on the 22nd of April 2001 and 3rd of October 2005, with another present throughout the afternoon of the 11th of April 2014 in the oaks on the south bank of the East reservoir (now Woodberry Wetlands) seen by several observers.

Number in Britain: 88 thousand Pairs (Summer)


in London: passage migrant and scarce, seriously decreasing breeding summer visitor.

in UK: Migrant breeder, Passage visitor.

Habitat: Open upland woodland.

Diet: Mostly insects with some plant material in autumn/winter

Data from the London Natural History Society (LNHS) and British Trust for Ornithology (BTO)

  • Systematic List of the Birds of Stoke Newington Reservoirs / Woodberry Wetlands.

Tree Pipit Woodberry Wetlands TeRNS Stoke Newington wildlife Hackney London N16
TeRNS Stoke Newington reservoirs wildlife group Hackney London N16 Twitter
TeRNS on twitter. The Reservoirs Nature Society, Stoke Newington, London.Birds of Stoke Newington Reservoirs and Woodberry Wetlands © TeRNS 2003