Worship resources

10-minute worship videos

During 2020, when churches were closed because of COVID-19, we made short videos of prayers and readings for each Sunday. They now provide a resource for anyone who is unable to come to church or who would like to worship at home at a time to suit them.

You can also access longer Sunday services from St Paul's Helsby, which were produced during the COVID-19 lockdown

The vicar and a team of people from St Paul's are producing online services each week for people from both parishes.

Evening prayers for any day

A Prayer for this week

Makaton Grace (an inclusive way of praying, for the whole church family)

The Church of England has a collection of prayers for various occasions here.

Celebration service for disability awareness day (Sunday 12th September 2022).

The Chester Diocese Engagement and Inclusion Officer, the Revd Vanessa Layfield, and the Chair of our Diocesan Disability Forum, Father Mark Turner, invite you to celebrate with them.

You can watch the service here: https://youtu.be/9Z_BxPgbbhk