Churchyard (graveyard)

There are very few open churchyards left in Wales - most are full or closed. We, at St John's, still have spaces available due to an extension consecrated a few years ago. At the time we were strongly advised against the extension; our 'old' churchyard was full, we should allow the yard to return to a natural state.


We went against this advice and decided to offer more burial plots to our local community as a service, allowing Christian burial and a place to visit and to mourn.


Cutting of grass and general maintenance is the responsibility of the Parochial Church Council which, unfortunately, falls to a few volunteers and more recently to a group from the YOT. Professionally paid grounds maintenance is far beyond our means. Our policy is:-



The old churchyard contains older graves upto 175 years old. There are many curbstones, gravel plots and designs of headstone which are contrary to the Regulation and it is unrealistic to keep this area 'manicured'. As time goes by this area will be visited less and less.


The new churchyard contains the newest graves. The headstone and plot Regulations are strictly enforced allowing careful maintenance and safe access - this is especially important as grief and loss will be most 'raw' in this area.



From time to time we receive complaints from people with family members buried in the old churchyard. We regret this and try to do all that is in our power to strim carefully - it is not always possible to sweep grass from headstones.  We ask for your patience, we mean well.


The right to a burial plot is covered by regulation and can be found by clicking here.


The regulations governing headstones, plot design etc can be seen by clicking Churchyard Regulations


Here are a few pointers going forward for both the old and new areas:-