Celebrating over 50 Years of Sailing
Established in 1972
Club Members Gain RYA Qualifications
Over the Easter weekend a number of SISC members attended formal sail training at Mylor Sailing School in Falmouth. RYA qualifications are an internationally recognised badge of competence, and give new sailors a flying start into the sport.
Congratulations to all those who achieved the RYA qualification, we look forward to seeing you on the water.
Subsidised sail training is just one of the benefits that members of St Ives Sailing Club can enjoy.
Easter Weekend Scorcher
Sailing over the Easter weekend was the first sail of the year for several members. The wind picked up just in time, and we had a wonderful sail in the warm sun and gentle breeze, hopefully a sign of things to come..
Happy New Year and Welcome to 2019!
Please note the AGM will be held at The Upper Deck, Sloop Inn, St Ives, on Friday 22nd February, 19.30 hrs.
Prospective new members will be welcome.
Subscription notifications have been circulated, please see Join page if you didn't receive yours !
Our new Facebook Group is now up and running !
'Sailing in St Ives Bay' is our new Facebook Group. It is an open forum where all Group members can freely post and discuss news, reports, share photos, questions, discuss the days sailing, looking for boats or crew, buying and selling, announcements, anticipate weather and likely sailing conditions etc.
Please click or copy and paste this link to get added to the Group, we would like to hear from you.
Happy New Year and Welcome to 2019!
What Happened in 2018 ?
Put simply, it was mostly brilliant, but we didn't take enough photos !! More effort next year please folks !!
November saw us close the season with our laying up supper and prize giving. It was a new venue this year, at the Old Quay House, well attended and lots of fun !!
In August, Red Herring, a splendid RS400, returned to the club after a few years absence, kindly facilitated by Martin Potter, ex-commodore and good friend to the club. Big step up for new ownership group Mark, Andy, Alan and Sharon...….
Also in August, the club turned out for the annual Harbour Raft Race, with a fabulous flying raft, and some incredible paddling amid the storms of flour flak.
Our annual regatta coincided with one of those perfect summer days where the sun shone, the wind blew, the sea had a gentle sparkly chop, and we welcomed sailors from Penzance and we all had a great day. But guess what? It seems nobody took any photos !!!
We all enjoyed the endless weeks of sunshine, but we weren't too impressed with the endless weeks of no wind....
I guess we'd rather forget the day we lost our beloved tractor to the sea, it was a frightening time for the club, and she will not be forgotten. New safety boat launch and recovery techniques are now in place.
There were dolphins....
…. and a shark (just a little one...)
First Aid Training
Several members of the club gave up a Sunday to be trained in First Aid, including use of defibrillators and Category C Medical Stores. Paul Gumbleton, Dave Eddy, Marc Paxton, Andy Roberts, John Johnson, Paul Tarplee, Simon Ashmore and I all gained the RYA's First Aid qualification. (Don't know who they are? Check out the Who's Who page online.)
Our day, organised by Martin Rawling & run by Kate Woolven of First Aid and Swim Training (FAST), included how to use a defibrillator. These life saving bits of kit will soon be placed around town but the donors, The Rotary Club of St Ives, are having problems finding people with suitable sites to use. If you know someone who can help then please contact the Rotary Club.
Marc Gets some 1:1 coaching in CPR from Instructor Kate.
43rd Laying Up Supper 2015
On Friday 27th November members and guests attended St. Ives Sailing Club annual Laying Up Supper.
Among them were, Deputy Mayor Maxine Armstrong , Councillor Colin Nicholls and members of the Penzance Sailing Club. Commodore John Palser welcomed everyone with a few light hearted jokes about famous food and drink quotes and then asked everyone present to give thought to those less fortunate than ourselves.
All had a very enjoyable meal which was followed by a raffle.
The prize giving of racing trophies was conducted by Sailing Secretary Mike Cook and prizes were presented by Maxine Armstrong.
John Palser and Colin Nicholls presented the special awards; the Most Improved Sailor trophy to Millie Freeman, and the Commodore Cup to Daniel Rouncefield for being the most inspirational and helpful member over the season.
John Palser then presented Brian Gray, who was retiring from dinghy racing, with a framed photograph and the Out Of County trophy was awarded to Steve Fuller. This was followed by a few words from Colin Nicholl, who then raised a toast to the club. Penzance S.C. member Paul Kent thanked the sailing club for a very enjoyable evening.
The season’s racing results;
Spring Series
Saturday 1: Porthgwidden Trophy 1st Mike Cook, 2nd Stuart Backhouse, 3rd Paul Gray.
Saturday 2: Rampers Trophy 1st Mike Cook, 2nd Stuart Backhouse, 3rd Paul Gray.
Wednesday Series: Bamaluz Trophy. st Mike Cook, 2nd Paul Gray, 3rd John Palser.
Summer Series
Saturday 1: Island Trophy 1st Stuart Backhouse, 2nd Mike Cook, 3rd John Palser.
Saturday 2: Sloop Trophy 1st Stuart Backhouse, 2nd Mike Cook, 3rd Assistant Sec.
Wednesday Series: Pedn Olva Trophy 1st Mike Cook, 2nd Paul Gray, 3rd John Palser.
Jubilee Challenge Trophy 1st Mike Cook, 2nd Paul Gray, 3rd John Palser.
Raft Race 2015
Theme: Beatles' Yellow Submarine
from Sergeant Peppers
Winners of best Fancy Dress and Raft
Pics from Sarah Ashmore
Setting out for the start line
Awarded best raft and fancy dress.
Club member Vicky Dove and family - paddlers and mermaid
Finishing third
St.Ives Sailing Club 42nd Anniversary
Laying Up Supper - Friday 28 November 2014
The, club’s annual ‘Laying Up Supper’ took place at the Chy an Albany Hotel on 28th November 2014
The Laying Up Supper was very well attended as usual with around fifty or so club members, their friends and guests; including guests from Penzance Sailing Club and Councillor Colin Nicolls who kindly agreed to help with the trophy presentation.
Following a reception with greetings, drinks and chat a very enjoyable three course meal was served in the dining room, followed by coffee. The evening then moved on to the presentations.
John Palser, the club commodore, delivered a short review of the very eventful 42nd year of the Club, before announcing the recipients of the Commodore’s Cup. The review Included thanks and praise to all those who had worked so hard throughout the year in ensuring a secure future for the club: raising much needed funds; dealing with issues that affect the club’s future and carrying out duties, on and off the water, that are necessary for a full program of racing and sailing to take place over the season. In this respect special thanks went to Mike Cook (Sailing Secretary), Laying Up Supper organiser, David Eddy (Membership Secretary), Matt Harvey, Jonathon Thomas, Stuart Backhouse (Treasurer), Martin Rawling, Simon Ashmore, Dave Peters and Richard Sadler. The Commodore then announced the recipients of the Commodore’s Cup. The Commodore pointed out that the recipients, John Wilson and Paul Tarplee., besides doing many Safety Boat duties over the season, had put hours of hard work into maintaining the Club’s new tractor, the Safety Boat and its launch and road trailers and there enthusiasm for the task had been inspirational. St.Ives Town Councillor, Colin Nicolls presented the Trophy, accompanied by loud applause.
After this presentation, Councillor Nicolls said a few words in praise of the club and its place in St.Ives and his hopes for the future of the club, before the Commodore handed over to Sailing Secretary, Mike Cook, to announce and present the winners of the Sailing Trophies for the three Summer Series of races and the Jubilee Trophy, an event that took place on October 11th. All results below.
This part of the evening was concluded with the presentation of the ‘Overall’ sailing trophy and the ‘Most Improved Sailor’ trophy.
This most agreeable evening was rounded off with a raffle that had been organised by David and Margaret Eddy, with prizes donated by club members, followed by more drinks and chat and reminiscing,
Thanks to David Eddy for organising the Laying Up Supper this year for what, all who attended agreed, was a very enjoyable and entertaining evening.
Trophy presentation:
Wednesday Summer Series – Pedn Olva Trophy: 1st John Palser (Laser), 2nd Brian Gray (Laser/Radial), 3rd Mike Cook (Laser Radial)
Saturday Summer Series (Race 1) Island Trophy: 1st Stuart Backhouse (Contender), 2nd Mike Cook (Laser Radial), 3rd John Palser (Laser/Radial)
Saturday Summer Series (Race 2) Sloop Trophy: 1st Stuart Backhouse (Contender), 2nd Brian Gray (Laser/Radial), 3rd John Palser (Laser/radial).
Overall for the year - The Florence Challenge Cup – for the helm with least points over the year
1stMike Cook (Laser Radial) – Florence Challenge Cup
2nd Brian Gray (Laser/Radial)
3rd John Palser (Laser/Radial)
Special Awards
Daniel Rouncefield: - Alan Major Trophy’ for most improved helm this season.
John Wilson and Paul Tarplee – ‘Commodore’s Cup’ awarded by the Commodore, John Palser, to a member(s) of his choice for services rendered to the club over the season.
Sailing Club Gets Another Clear Win
Friday 9th August saw the annual Harbour Raft Race, organised by the St Ives Gig Club.
In another demonstration of rafting prowess, we were proud to announce that the ninjas of our Sailing Club paddled their dragon boat to a clear victory.
Having selected a prime starting position the ninjas collected their mermaid with only one floating greenhouse providing any competition.
On the second leg the weakness of a greenhouse as a competitive vessel became apparent and, pushed off course by the Stennack Wind familiar to club members, they fell behind.
Having collected the token from Smeaton's Pier the way was then clear for a romp home in great style.
Crossing The Line
Clearly, due to the nature of their work, it is impossible to name the ninjas concerned, nor identify them in any photographs for fear of compromising future contracts, so congratulations can only go to Barrie Dain for supreme paddling and his elegant attire.
However we do believe that the under mentioned may have had a hand in ninja recruitment: Paul Gray, Stuart Backhouse, Liz Kessler, Vickie Dove, John Wilson, Stephanie Eddy, Matt Harvey and Vickie's niece, Eleanor Coller.
Thanks to dragon boat designer John Palser who was unable to paddle this year but was beamed news within minutes of the finish.
Thanks also to David Eddy's team of bucket rattlers who assisted an under strength gig club in their fundraising on the night. Mike & Terrie Cook & Margaret Eddy.
"It was the first time I've been here for the raft race and not paddled, but it was incredible to hear so much support for the club from along the wharf and to see so many club T-shirts amongst the crowd. From the cheering and the people that came to speak to me at race control next to the lodges, there is clearly a great deal of support for the club in the town." Simon Ashmore *Proud Commodore Face*
Summer Sailing Hotting Up
The Summer Series of Sailing at St Ives is well underway now, with some decent breezes accompanying the hot weather, blue skies, and clear water.
Have A Go
We have welcomed plenty of 'Have a Go' novices in recent weeks, and would encourage anyone that would like to give sailing a try to get in touch.
Club boats are often available. For those that want to experience sailing for the first time, we usually have members who are willing to take prospective members out for a trial sail in the Club Laser Stratos. All you have to do is ask (preferably a few days in advance) !
All under the watchful eye of our safety boat, with its stalwart crew, without whom sailing would not be possible !!
St Ives Bay Jubilee Challenge Trophy Event
Saturday 11th May
The Annual Jubilee Challenge Race was held on Saturday 11th May.
Six dinghies took to the water, and were faced with strong winds, squally showers and an increasing swell, as they headed across the bay to the Hayle River Channel Marker, North Cardinal Buoy, and back (4 mile trip).
With the wind at a steady Force 6, occasionally gusting to Force 8 during the second race, three of the dinghies suffered gear failure in the harsh conditions, whilst all of the others suffered multiple capsizes.
A thoroughly deserved win for Stuart Backhouse, shown above left, receiving the trophy from Simon Ashmore.
And many many thanks to the Safety Boat Crew and Race Officers for persevering with the race under these conditions.
Jubilee Challenge Trophy Results:
Gold medal and trophy: Stuart Backhouse 2 points
Silver: Simon Ashmore, Jonathan Chaffin and Marc Paxton 4 points
Bronze: Mike Cook 7 points
New Sailing Season Gets Underway !!!
Saturday 30th March
The chilly spring weather and has done nothing to deter our members from taking their boats to the water, and shaking out the cobwebs, after the long winter lay-up.
The safety boat was back on station in the nick of time, the sun shone, and the swell eased, as our hardiest sailors dipped their toes in the chilly ocean for the first time this season.
Here's hoping the on-time start of racing is a good sign for the rest of this season.
From Left to Right: Matt, Grace, Stephanie & Steve.
Photograph The Shadow
Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroom Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroom
Congratulations to Grace, Stephanie, Steve & Matt who spent their weekend at Penzance undertaking their Royal Yachting Association (RYA) Level 2 Powerboat qualification, courtesy of Penzance Sailing Club (PZSC). All four passed and so are now fully qualified to helm our Rigid Inflatable Boat (RIB), Spirit 2. The places on the course were given to us in return for lending our RIB to PZSC for one of their national events last year. The chilly foursome are pictured below.
Pen Cleaning a Damp & Dirty Affair
With four of the club (See above) away on their Powerboat Level 2 Course at Penzance Sailing Club and many members with other commitments, ailments & excuses it was a small but perfectly formed crew that tidied up the pen on Saturday morning on your behalf. John Palser has designed a new layout for the crowded pen, based on sailing frequency, which should mean that we can all get our boats in and out more smoothly. Thanks to all those involved, pictured below, who you can thank with the beverage of their choice in The Sloop at any time. Mark Russell also performed a health check on our ailing tractor so it can be kept on life support until a replacement is found.
From Left to Right: Scott, Brian, Simon, John, Liz, Marcus, Simon & Mike. Jon had to leave early. Photograph Tim Royall.
Annual General Meeting 2012
Friday 25th January
The AGM was a lengthy event, and the main item of business was the level of subscriptions in order to maintain the club. For a copy of the minutes please contact secretary@stivessailingclub.com. More photographs of the other goings on are on The Club's Facebook page. Click Here
Dave Peters receives Honorary Membership for his long service to the club.
Photograph Sarah Ashmore