Celebrating over 50 Years of Sailing
Established in 1972
Welcome to St Ives Sailing Club
We are a small friendly club that sails in St Ives Bay as often as the weather allows.
SISC welcomes new members to join, you don't need your own boat as we have a fleet of 8 boats that can be used for a small donation. If you do not have any formal dinghy training or helming experience, you can always volunteer to crew with one of the members.
Club sailing in spring and summer is on but not limited to Wednesday evenings (as long as the light allows) and Saturday afternoons until autumn.
Sailors of all ages and abilities are very welcome to join the club and if you are a visitor to St Ives who can already sail then you are welcome to come out with us as well. We also welcome anyone to come and experience sailing as a taster sail where a club member will take you out in one of our club boats and let you get a feel for dinghy sailing.
ONLY £65
We race a handicap fleet, which means all is fair and equitable. Two races on Saturdays (14:00 start) and one race on Wednesdays (19:00 start or 18:30 when fading light is an issue). See our Notices of Race for full details.
If you would rather simply enjoy a sail in the most picturesque bay in the country at your own pace, then our safety boat crew and the occasional dolphin will keep a watchful eye over you.
Most of the boats in the pen are owned by members, but we do have a small fleet of club boats suitable for all abilities, which are used for training and available for members. Please go to the "Join Us" page to review details of "club boats"
We also have a regatta once a year, which visiting boats are also welcome to enter.
If you would like to be involved, but don’t wish to sail, we also need people to help crew our safety boat or assist our race officers in the lighthouse on Smeaton’s Pier.
Film by St Ives Community TV courtesy of St Ives Holidays
We have a small cabin and boat yard at the back of The Sloop car park in the centre of St Ives.
Why not drop in and say hello?
We gather an hour or so before racing starts, so at about 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings or at about 12:30 p.m. on Saturday afternoons.
Or contact any member of the committee below.
We have a small committee that runs the club, but everyone is expected to chip in and help when needed. If you have the time or enthusiasm then these are the only qualifications to joining the committee and we always need new committee members to help keep us running. If you have expertise in any other area, so much the better. Just get in touch with any committee member to find out more.
Flag Officers
Commodore - Rob Lawrence
Vice Commodore - Barrie Dain
Joint Sailing Secretary - John Palser & Mark Paxton
Secretary - Martin Rawling
Membership Secretary & Treasurer - Dave Eddy
Committee Members
Boatswain - Paul Gumbleton
David Peters
Paul Tarplee
Rob Hoare
Safeguarding - The Club takes its responsibility towards Heath, Safety & Safeguarding very seriously and has recently developed a Safeguarding Draft Policy that will be reviewed at the upcoming AGM before becoming policy. The policy will be monitored and updated as needed by the Clubs dedicated Welfare Officer. We encourage all members and guardians of members to read the draft policy and raise any queries at the AGM initially which is planned for 29th March via Zoom. See below for the draft policy.