September 19, 2017 - Depth Map Update 2017

Post date: Sep 19, 2017 7:54:29 PM

Approximately 75 miles of track data collected in 2017 has been added into the custom depth map project, and both the Google Earth and MBTILE layers have been updated. I also updated the "Depth Collection Tracks" layer under the "Boat Tracks" section in the Google Earth layers. As a result of the newly collected data, I have slightly decreased the size of the green safe zone south of Rapshaw Island heading towards the Raven Point campsite. A change Reefmaster made in their KML output leaves the "minor contours" on all the time no matter what the zoom level is. I personally don't care for it, but you can turn the major and minor contours, and the isobath colors on and off individually by expanding the folder and checking or un-checking the boxes.