Available Imagery

See the table below for details on the imagery used in this project.  

The majority of imagery can be downloaded (see MBTile column).

KMZ Files of Imagery to Load into Google Earth

USGS Aerial Imagery (11/04/1952) - (35MB KMZ file)

APA/Aero Graphics Aerial Imagery (11/01/1978) - (198MB KMZ file)

Partridge Composite Image(2001) - (104 MB KMZ file)

NAVICO Insight Genesis Go Free Social Map Depth Data (2015) - (34MB KMZ file)

NAVICO Insight Genesis Go Free Social Map Depth Data (2016) - (4 MB KMZ file)

        Shared with permission of NAVICO.  Thank you!

        Please visit the "Go Free Social Map" site to explore other bodies of water, and the capabilities of NAVICO products.

Links to Sources of Imagery

Public Domain:

USGS Earth Explorer

USGS National Map


NYS GIS Direct Download and Status of Upcoming Collections (Annual Lot 3)

New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services

USDA Geospatial Data Gateway (Ortho NAIP Data)

This site also provides high quality elevation data and watershed boundary files.

Slippy Maps:

Google Maps

Bing Maps


Private Companies:

Digital Globe (.gov email or free trial)

Planet Labs (free trial)


USDA Lidar Data Repository

Additional Notes

Also see the aerial video linked on the "Videos" page, at left.

The lowest water level achieved during the draw down of 2001 was 1651.41 ft on August 7th.  Prior to 1964, the height of the reservoir reached lower levels on several occasions.  See this graph for more information.

It is estimated that the height of the top of the old wooden crib dam is in the neighborhood of 1658 ft.  It is located in the narrow pass between the main flow and the bay near the current dam.  This KML file shows its approximate location.  With the typical yearly lowest levels only approaching 1664 ft, the old dam should never be a hazard.  It is also visible in the "Drawdown Composite" image, the aerial video taken in 2001, linked on the "Videos" page (approximate time: 2:10), the ground footage video, and the contour depth data layers.

Available Imagery — List page from Classic Sites