March 28, 2016 - Uploaded Depth Data in MBTILE & KMZ, and Updated Routes & Hazards

Post date: Mar 28, 2016 9:29:6 PM

I received an email from the NAVICO company stating that, per their copyright policy, I am allowed to share their "Go Free Social Map" data in MBTILE and KMZ formats on this site for boaters on Stillwater Reservoir. The data is not a complete picture of the entire reservoir, but it provides a lot of coverage. After studying the depth map data compared to my layers, I updated a bunch of the routes and the hazards. The discrepancies were all quite small, typically less than 10 feet of horizontal difference between the depth data and my route. I've been contemplating refining the hazards layers for a while, as a lot of the time I've enclosed multiple physical hazards in one polygon. I've noticed a few areas where I can separate one hazard into two or more polygons with safe passes in between. I will implement that sometime in the future.

The MBTILE file is linked on the main page under the "Offline Map Tiles" downloads section. The KMZ file for Google Earth is available on the "Available Imagery" page.