July 15, 2016 - Uploaded Updated Versions of IGSM Depth Map

Post date: Jul 15, 2016 2:26:23 PM

More depth data was collected in May 2016, and uploaded to the Insight Genesis Social Map website. Now that their tiles have updated, the shared files provided here needed to be refreshed. I created new versions of the MBTILE and KMZ files, and made them available in the "Downloads" section on the main page, and the "Available Imagery" page respectively. I kept the original files linked as well. You can load both MBTILE files into QGIS (or KMZ's in Google Earth) and turn them on and off, back and forth, to compare how much additional area of coverage was achieved. More data collection is planned for later this summer, so it should keep improving. If anyone else is willing to collect data for the benefit of this project, please let me know via the email at left. The more people we have, the faster the missing sections will disappear, and the more accurate the map will become. If you are interested in collecting data, please contact me prior to starting. I can provide tips on improving the quality of your data, and maps of uncovered areas for you to focus your efforts.

Update: Repeated this procedure September 2, 2016, to incorporate additional data collected in August 2016.