August 1, 2023 - Added 2023 Bing Maps Imagery & Updated Several Red Routes

In the fall of 2022, likely the last week of October into the first week of November based on water height and details of known physical changes to the Stillwater area, high resolution imagery was taken.  I did not find it on Bing Maps until August 1, 2023 so that is the date I am providing in the filename for now until I can determine the exact capture date.  The water height was roughly at 1667 feet, and the resolution is likely 35cm.

There are several drawbacks to the imagery which prevent me from recommending it as the primary use imagery while on the reservoir.  There is a section of inconsistent imagery between campsites 21 & 25 at the east end of the reservoir.  A roughly 2.5 mile wide swath where the water height is considerably higher.  I also am unable create an offline mbtile archive of the imagery without political information laid over top (roads, labels).  Perhaps I will find a better source in the future?

The imagery is an excellent addition to the data set here on the site though.  After review of the imagery, I made changes to several red routes, and added one new red route.  The green & yellow routes really have not changed in years, and in higher summer water levels you can simply use the depth map to take more precise tacks toward your destination while avoiding the obvious shoals.

Here are the changes:

Add Red Route near campsite 2 to loop around to campsite 3

Heart Island Red Route Adjusted

Setback Past Raven Point 46, slight move of red route

Brown's Red Route Loops Around Big Island Near Dam

Extend Red Route Past Crossman's following stream bed while avoiding big rocks

Red route north of Long Island adjusted to follow deepest water

Chicken Island Red Route adjusted.

The imagery is available to download in mbtiles format on the main page, and the available imagery page.

Edit 17-SEP-2023: I was able to recreate the mbtiles imagery file without the overbearing labels.  I've updated the date and layer information on the main page and available imagery page (2022-11).