1. Argentine Tango Friends & Teachers

Our first trip to Buenos Aires was in March 2006. We were taking tango classes at La Confiteria Ideal from three different pairs of teachers and also from other teachers at Escuela Argentina de Tango in Galerías Pacífico.

During the trip to Buenos Aires in 2007, at El Arrangue, Joanna and I were stopped in the middle of a tanda by Osvaldo & Coca. They invited us

to switch partners with them to finish the rest of tanda, what an honour. We also met a very nice couple, Juan and Esthes, at El Arrangue. This couple, in their mid-70s, taught us what tango meant to them, their way of life. They work until three in the afternoon, making empanadas; take a three-hour break to tango and go back to work at seven. See the following video:

"When you are at the milonga, you are a different person. What you do and what you have do not make any difference, as long as you can tango."

Our absolutely favourite milonga was Cachirulo at Maipu 444, which was hosted by Hector and Norma, where we first saw tango etiquette. See the following video:

During the trip to Buenos Aires In 2008, we were delighted to have the opportunity to study Milonga (variations of traspied) with Facundas Posadas,

what a great teacher! He was very easy going but his teaching is absolutely effective with minimum amount of verbal instruction.

In 2008 & in 2009, we have the opportunity to study traditional tango with Alejandro Fioggioli in Buenos Aires and in Vancouver, respectively.

Alexandro is precise in his teaching. He taught us how to lead and to follow (action and reaction) to generate real ganchos, boleos & volcadas.

In 2006, 2007, and 2008, we had numerous opportunities to study Tango and Milonga with Eduardo Saucedo & Marisa Quiroga in Vancouver

and in Buenos Aires. Eduardo has an abundance of happy energy and Marisa has strong presence with such a petite body. They taught us the importance of maintaining constant contact between the big toe and the floor while dancing tango .

During Chicago Tango Week 2009:

We were absolutely thrill to study fundamental tango body mechanics with Claudio Gonzalez & Melina Brufman, our favourite teachers.

Oliver Kolker and Silvina Valz introduced us the method as to how to explore the possibilities of sacadas, enrrosques, and giros. It was an

eye-opening experience.

Julio Balmaceda taught us his view on the difference between entradas and sacadas and his unique way to enter and to follow with a back sacadas.

In January 2010, Gabriela Rojo brought Pablo Veron to Vancouver. We learned a great deal from him on the topics of back sacadas.

During the Vantangofest Vancouver Tango Festival of May 2010, we learned Johanna Copes' version of molinette exercise.

During the LaGarufa Tango Festival of September 2011, we learned how to initiate a clockwise enrrosque from a back cross from Claudio Villagra & Romina Levin.

Mirium Larici & Leonardo Barrionuevo , they are absolute amazing! Thanks to Gabriela Rojo for bringing them to Vancouver.