
Here are a few statements given from people who have used Step Up Support.

I’m happy to stay at Step Up. I like cooking baking and going out - Lucy 2023

Step up is an amazing service. I know my boy is not just cared for but loved. The staff treat everyone as individuals and know their personalities and preferences. I cannot praise Carole and her staff enough. - Marion 2023

We can always enjoy our holiday knowing how well he is looked after, and he loves coming. - Annette and Stephen, 4th September 2021

We really value the quality service offered by Step-Up. Our daughter, is a worrier about anything different from routine, but the staff at Step-Up are very caring, and soon put her at her ease when she arrives. Our daughter was so happy on their mini break last year, that she prompted Carole to do another one. They are very flexible, and willing to adapt arrangements where they can. - B. W., 13th April 2018

It has changed our life completely, I trust all the staff and don't have to worry. - Cath, 1st March 2016

You all did so much for us and it is very much appreciated. - Keith Jones, 24th December 2015

Thanks so much for all your help and support. - Helen Reynolds, 1st January 2016

She always loves coming to you (Step-Up) and gets very excited when I tell her, she finds it a home from home. - Emma Clay, 11th January 2016