Student Webpages

Getting Started

Use the links at left to navigate through the student webpages section.

The purpose of this assignment is to create a personal, professional, academic portfolio. This is NOT your myspace. Use professional language, academic vocabulary, and well-structured layout. Avoid inappropriate photos, links, and do not share too much personal information. This page is PUBLIC. Your teachers, admissions counselors, and potential employers will view these pages.

    1. Sign in to your google account here.

    2. Click on "sites". If sites does not appear click on "more".

    3. Create a homepage and name it appropriately-"Online Portfolio" for example.

    4. Create a class page for your science class by clicking on "create page". Then select "webpage", and fill in the name-"Biology" for example.

    5. Create a unit page for each unit the class will cover by clicking on "create page", then select "webpage", and fill in the name-"Unit 1-Nature of Science" for example. Repeat for each unit.

    6. Click on "help" to see more instructions.

    7. Also see the videos for more help or ask Mr. Stephens.