My Fandom and Cosplay Domain
Not so very long ago on a planet right here
an ordinary guy discovered his fandom
and answered the call for help.
Evil is influencing people all throughout the galaxy
but there is hope of a resistance
because the Force is strong
with those who believe in and follow the light side.
So I donned a costume and became a Star Wars cosplayer
to do good and spread the message of love
in my free time through my hobby
as I already have been in my real life vocation.
The task great it is,
but a difference we make ...
I am a Fan of the Star Wars verse of stories because of it's spiritual themes and the cool special effects.
I am a Jedi who discovered an affinity with the great masters of old and who admires their noble composure and actions.
I am a Padawan learner because I am not yet trained in the depths of Star Wars canon and legends knowledge.
And as a Clergy I follow and preach the Jedi creed of seeking balance in the universe by pursuing freedom, justice and peace.
I am definitely in the light side and support the rebel cause.
Meet my SW cosplay characters and follow their epic adventures:
“Star Wars is made up of many themes. This is a world where evil has run amuck. But you have control over your destiny, you have many paths to walk down, and you can choose which destiny is going to be yours.”
(George Lucas, Time Magazine, 1999)
Star Wars Identities
During a trip to Munich, Germany, I was able to attend an exhibit based on the Star Wars saga.
Identities explored how each of our lives are shaped by a variety of influencing factors just as the characters in the Star Wars movies.
On display were also art designs, props, and costumes from the original original sets.
My Star Wars Collection
My authentic Jedi costume alike to that of Obi Wan's.
This collection including a classic Snow Speeder and AT-ST is my fan pride.
The famous Millennium Falcon and an assortment of classic characters.
Halloween and Parade
I have only been a Star Wars fan since watching the Return of the Jedi. But I got really excited when the saga was coming to a close after almost five decades in 2019.
To celebrate the occasion of the Episode IX release I invited my church to participate in a couple of community events and use Star Wars as a theme. It was a perfect opportunity to live out my fandom fantasies.
Halloween Trunk-or-Treat with my church youth group.
My Prius Shuttle at the Christmas Parade in Hillsboro, IL.
Star Wars and Christian Spirituality
In conjunction with the opening of Star Wars episode VII in theaters in 2019, I led a worship service in my congregation to show connections between Christian Spirituality and George Lucas' movies.
There were live Star Wars music, themed prayers, humorous and insightful references, a special message by a Jedi Clergy, costumed fans, decorations, droids and a rebel converted shuttle.
"Jesus is greater than any Jedi, because he alone came to save the whole universe by overcoming the dark side."
Padawan's Message
Worship Bulletin
Newspaper Article
Not every Sunday worship is Star Wars themed, but all fans, rebels, Gungans, Jedi and even Sith are welcome at my church!
Visit St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Hillsboro, IL.
Force be with you. The path of the light of Jesus follow, or end up being turned to the dark side you will.
Want to explore more of the Star Wars verse?
Learn from a wise Jedi master, or next best, read data files either on the internet or on old fashioned paper.
Below you find path links and a recommendation list for Padawan learners of the force of fandom.
Paduan Paths
Check out this selection of external links for geeks or those who might want to learn the Way. and StarWarsKids - Official Websites
Wookieepedia - The Star Wars Fandom Encyclopedia
Star Wars Explained - One of many YouTube Vlogs
SW News Network and Screen Rant - Online Star Wars Blogs/Magazines
r/StarWars - Reddit Discussion Forum among other Subreddits
Galaxy's Edge - Theme Parks (Disney Land and World)
Star Wars Celebration - Main SW Fan Convention
Aurebesh, Mandalorian, Yoda, Gungan, and Wookie - Translators (Origins)
Video Games for various Platforms - Google search yours ...
Archive for collectors.
Those are all their own destinations, so travel the there at your own discretion.
Spiritual Words
As Jedi master Arno Ker Nafets I tell the Bible story according to Star Wars.
I invite you to hear about the adventure of following the path of Jesus to use the light side of the Force in your life.
Available presentations:
Christian Themes in Star Wars - A Comparison
Mando's Storytime with Grogu - Kids Readings and Activities
Here's more in the works:
Jedi Jesus saves the Galaxy - The Gospel according to SW
This is the Way of Salvation Hunters - Cosplay Discipleship
Check out past SW themed Church Events for sharing the Word of God in my ministry contexts.
// Become a member. Join the Action. Make a difference.
Interested in Cosplay?
Get connected with fellow followers of the Way, and join the action for good causes. Cause With Cause .org is a fan organization of Star Wars and other franchises who use their hobby to make a difference on this planet.
Click below to learn more and play for a purpose.
Cos With Cause
Shuttle Build
How I turned an ordinary Toyota Prius into the Tiderium Shuttle.
Lego Falcon Tour
I've enjoyed Lego since a kid. This iconic model has been a dream.
Star Wars Nativity
Inspired by my late Star Trek friend and colleague Laura.
Star Wars Tree
A Christmas gift from my wife with an idea from another SW fan.
I know I'm behind the game but still enjoy this Lego Wii version.
What Next?
Disney's Galaxy Edge ... I hope I'll get there soon!
May the Force be with you!