Radar Latest Release

The latest release as a "package" is 0v6p8, August 2, 2014

RADAR_0v6p8_win_installer.exe.zip [5.0Mb]

RADAR_package_0v6p8.tar.gz [4.9Mb]

RADAR_0v6p8_win_installer_v2.exe.zip [5.0Mb] -- 29mar2015 ... a hopefully more robust version of installer for Bill.

Release Notes

Improvements and Fixes:

- ConvertStdf

* add auto_flex flag, to strip out channel numbers from flex testnames to keep them common between sites

* remove trailing whitespace from wafer_id if it is present

* deal with flex TSR's where "<> comment..." is missing compared to matching PTR

* add support for Advantest T2000 files

- MPR 2nd+ occurrences without testnames and without pinlists

- TSR/SBR/HBR site_num/head_num convention for "all_sites"

* add an enVision variant to DTR parsing

* fix parsing hiccups that occur at 100MByte boundaries (introduced in previous update to handle large stdf files)

* now tracks and gives a warning with the number of unknown records

* suppress warnings about LTX HFi gratuitous "PATTERNS" TSRs

* add workaround fix for 93K bug for corrupt FTR for failing test... having a modulo 8 =0 number of pins resulted in an extra byte inserted in record.

- ConvertEDL

* resolve warnings with newer versions of R

* deal with Linux based EDL files that have Site lines before

Start Testflow lines

* add sublot_id support

* fix bug so start_t gets properly populated

* append pat_label to some functional testnames

* fix bug that occurred if all results for a test were undefined

- SplitWafers

* now deals with multiple occurrences of the same waferid, appends _run2, etc to filenames for repeat occurrences

- WaferMap

* now allows customization of parametric wafer map coloring

* for parametric maps, now gracefully handles if WaferMapGui tclvalue()

stripped off trailing whitespace from the testname

* fix bug where hbin pass/fail flag wasn't pulling info from HbinInfoFrame

- PlotTestvsTest

* now gracefully handles if PlotTestvsTestGui tclvalue() stripped off trailing whitespace from the testnames

- FilterByResult

* now gracefully handles if FilterByResultGui tclvalue() stripped off trailing whitespace from the testname

- TkRadar

* ... dir vs filename if browse for dir first.. behaviour changed

- ConvertCsvGui

* switch directory browser to start where the last Rtdf file was, not the Rtdfs_dir directory

* update an internal variable name to be less confusing csv_in_dir --> csv_out_csv_dir... directory to write csv file to

* fix bug where it would occasionally get confused when creating transposed csv files. ("r2c" vs. "r2ct" directory/filename tracking)

Older releases: RADAR Archives

Home page: RADAR:R-based ATE Data Analysis Resources

This page last updated 3 August, 2014