Programs & Services


Currently, worship at St. Andrew’s is held each Sunday at 10:30 a.m. It is an important part of the life of our congregation since it draws us as a community who experience the fellowship and presence of God, and sends us out in the service of Christ, to others.

We celebrate the sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion. Baptism is celebrated as needed and Holy Communion is given four times a year.There are special services at Christmas and Easter.

Children are welcomed into our worship service and quiet toys and books are provided if desired. There is a phonic ear system for those who request it.

Bible Study

At present there is one Ladies Bible Study group that meets weekly in the lower hall of St. Andrew's every Tuesday afternoon. Members come and go as their individual schedules allow, but all are welcome.

Prayer Group/Prayer Chain

There is a prayer group that prays for specific needs within the church and in the world as well. St. Andrew’s is fortunate to have a dedicated group of people who form the prayer chain and pray at home, as requested. We believe that through prayer we may build and strengthen the faith of our congregation.

Women’s Ladies Group

There are ladies of St. Andrew’s who meet to work on projects for the Spring and Fall Teas, and the Christmas Bazaar . The ladies meet for a noon lunch and do the project work after. It is a very spirited group of ladies who have considerable talents they share with each other.

Music at St. Andrew's

Since the earliest days we have had a devoted choir and exceptional musical talent and the necessary leadership. At present we have a group called the Praise Singers composed of enthusiastic people who love to sing and provide special music in our Sunday morning Worship. They meet before and sometimes after the worship service to practice the songs or hymns and learn new anthems when there is a special anthem at the worship service.

The sanctuary has excellent acoustics and a sound system that allows us to host community events such as concerts or music festivals.

The worship service is enhanced with an instrumental group, The Accidentals. They play each Sunday service. The group has a tradition of combining both youth and senior members of the church.

There is a Woodstock pipe organ, 2 manual with 18 stops and full pedal board. There is also an upright grand piano in the sanctuary that is tuned frequently.


St. Andrew’s has a bright cheery room with excellent facilities. It also has a speaker system directly linked to the sanctuary.