Worship Services

please note that at this time all worship is being held online. Sunday worship is available on our Facebook page or our Youtube channel . There are also opportunities to meet via Zoom online meeting network. Please send us an email at stthomas.werribee@outlook.com and we'll send you the links.

Sunday Services

8.30AM- Traditional

– This service is aimed towards those who prefer a more traditional worship style and includes Holy Communion.

Service sheets and hymn books are provided. The service takes approximately one hour. Free morning tea is served after the service.

10.00AM - Family

- This relaxed service is designed towards families including toddlers and those who prefer a less traditional worship style.

- Children are encouraged to participate in 'STACK' where the children leave the service and go across to the church hall to create a craft or an activity that represents some part of the morning's bible reading. Towards the end of the service the children are invited to show the audience what they have made.

- This service uses a data projector for the display of the songs complete with images and videos clips to enhance the presentation of the songs.

- The songs are usually less traditional than sung at the 8.30AM service; again these being aimed towards families and are accompanied by both piano and songs on CD. Feel free to sing along.

- The dress style for this service is neat casual; it is quite common to see jeans in the congregation.

- An offering (plate) is taken up before communion where you are invited to add a financial contribution to the church should you choose.

- Communion is the receiving of the bread and wine where we believe God's special spirit is present, all baptised adults and teens are invited to participate with us no matter the Christian tradition. There is no pressure to participate should you not wish to do so.

- This service takes approximately 1-1.25 hours.

- At these services 'welcomers' will welcome you and make sure you are not left alone; you are invited to join us for free morning tea after the service which includes tea/coffee home made cakes and biscuits.

Wednesday Service

10AM - Traditional

- This service caters for those who wish to worship during the middle of the week.
