Poetry by Minnie Stacey




Sweet push 

the plush of Spring,

dizzying doer

delicate with liquorice and victory free,

as the sky delves without diving

buzzing us intrepid

for wounds of blaze.


To share a face

with the space that looks back at being,

this verve - the gist which comes through seeing

is edible with air and bounding in.


And we are vivid creatures

sticky for bonding

while all around the foray stuff, 

the mage amid the flighted hive,

makes the honey slip collective.

Free Verse by Minnie Stacey


For Capital - you are the one per cent,

a means to get your sordid ends away.

Already privileged you won’t repent,

you violate the rest of us each day.

Colluding with a media that pitches

your prevalence, the cull by which we’re stung,

possess what's priceless, slobbering for riches,

as in your branding furnace we are flung.

By brazen compound interest you will hunt

and bang us up to be your fuel for gain,

the kleptocratic climaxes you grunt

rent by a scoffing chivalry of pain.

     A splinter group of sadists screw us over.

     Is masochism keeping them in clover?

 Shakespearean Sonnet by Minnie Stacey


(i)  Fettle Spokes.


The flight around a bird inhabiting a mind

is wide and catching wormholes of ideas.

conductive space, the open eye-light

coaxes curving speed

to lay its frisson on a birr of nerves. 


Unfastening tender relish,

poesy’s buttonhole arranges frisk

as cluster-notes of squeaky clime.


And where existence came

it leaves imagination’s livery,

like laurel gyres,

alfresco routes of dextrous prize

unfurled about a circlet.


          (ii)  Facing Blueprints.


Where energy glittered for a flit of land,

feeders come to gaze:

eyeing-sleuths ‘fessed up close

in life as soft as breath,

fastidious at sheets and sucking feature.


From time’s whey, the lips of

deft ferries open leafy looks,

as sweet bays attracting focus.


States of presence, shored-up

to moonstruck reeds, the fugue-canoes

that filled with sight on mirror-air

come arcing atmosphere from folios.


Sun-nursed silver rushes of revealed sense,

raw love, turbulent dreams,

describe the freedom in ventricles of flesh.

 Free Verse  by Minnie Stacey


Controlled by vicious minds who never tend

the chaos-mannequins kept in their clutch,

Casino Gulags fake a dividend

to spend orgasmic sums on nothing much.

The brash arcades are mafioso-grand,

sexed-up by feudalistic billionaires,

and flashy debts are pumped out as a brand

that scapegoats unemployment in its snares.

When wages cover pornographic stains

as companies rent bargain basement kids,

it’s time to wash the population’s brains

with guilt-edged belts to pull in private bids.

     Financial terrorists are now the bosses

     who kill for greed by socialising losses.

Shakespearean Sonnet by Minnie Stacey


Here, trenchant in the field of self-abuse,

a broken soldier grinds his guts with drink,

deserted by the army - out of use.


That stench of mass graves, even through the sluice,

keeps him its prisoner at death’s dark brink,

here, trenchant in the field of self-abuse.

The sniper fire, the lives that he cut loose,

drown him in guilt and leave his heart to sink,

deserted by the army - out of use.


When he lay down his arms there was no truce,

three years of painting coal, then to his clink:

here, trenchant in the field of self-abuse.


And when he jumped the rope snapped at the noose,

left him to hate the oil-wars’ double-think,

deserted by the army - out of use.


Nailed to a table - punished on the juice,

and still well-worn religion hoods his wink:                              

here, trenchant in the field of self-abuse,

deserted by the army - out of use.

A Villanelle by: Minnie Stacey

It's also a work of journalism about an ex soldier (Balkan Wars) who was keeping warm in a laundrette - 

he said he'd like me to write a poem about what he told me.

BANK VERSE (Buying Skylarks)

Sincerity, a heart’s appreciation,

when based in phoney money, is usurped,

and human interest ruthlessly replaced,

laid bankrupt by the usury of stock.

This prostitution masses painful piles

of non-conductive plastic, swipes to sting

our passage with a sense of static time.

Here shattered hours are shards of cutting curses,

our repetitious seconds, where, as slaves,

we wish, but can’t afford to buy the self

that’s mortgaged to its sell-by-date of death.

With packages of care priced out of reach,

we’re rifled by a prophesy of goods,

consumers in the quagmire of a range,

beguiled by bosses, spirit-sapping shapes

who optimise the carriage of their rank,

personifying theft, a first class race

to riches, so expensive for the rest.

And pins punched at spent fingertips inject

the marketing, the wash we won’t resist,

that stuffs our dreams and makes us into herds.

Via voodoo evolution comes to shop,

for beads, made from the sweat that’s freshly squeezed.

     If minds are wastelands, synapses sucked dry,

     By Capital the birds and bees will die.

Blank Verse with Iambic Pentameter by: Minnie Stacey


(on Blair...)

On Shock and Awe’s payroll,

business-brained and body-guarded,

a brass necked billionaire to be

goes about glibly on evolution’s black bile,

bellicose in grabbing buying power.


Deploying god-greased destiny,

his dark arts get blabbed and blared

to beef up wars:

a fire rush of feeding,

where populations bullied,

droned, bomb-broken and bleeding,

is richness toned.


To profit from dying breaths,

spitting t’s onto planned error,

his well of white teeth

plug phoney foundations,

giving the old frazzle-dazzle

as grief goes begging

in the Fahrenheit of fury.


Free Verse by: Minnie Stacey



As history plays out its plight of time,

a heap of snakes and ladders repetition,

our doggerel, the business of bad mime,

religiously the same, is a tradition

of shit-for-brains forgetting recognition.

We're humans looking forwards, backwardly,

with weapons standing in for our contrition.

Peer pressure grooms our personality,

unleashing missiles full of: me me me!

With self-esteem pumped up on bad advice,

the gate-crashed globe shows greed as pedigree.

We should be looking through a fear of ice.

Poor psyche's in a motorway of glue,

the patient shows no signs of pulling through.

Spenserian Sonnet: by Minnie Stacey



We’re definite, refined, and filthy rich

from servants digging ditches in their health,

lulls desperate for dreams and where we pitch

our advertising, hacking in with stealth.  

Our pixelated teeth pick at their eyes

with ciphers, zero content irrigation,

like proxy Draculas our charm belies

the cybernetics of our intimation.

A population bitten by abuse

is cannon fodder in financial war,

re-branding theft we con them out of use,

thus bringing forward funerals for the poor.

     Mind-numbing on demand is what they crave,

     mud sticks and covers up an early grave.

 Shakespearean Sonnet by: Minnie Stacey


A pond of human silver is resolving

its two-way seeing, sweet reflective core,

the shine of mirror constantly evolving,

where ventricles are pumping looking’s ore.

Always, the warrior heart who is defining

their nature in a compass full of chance,

is stepping into life as a divining,

attentively in views of wide expanse.

This cytoplasmic genius-connective,

the bur of circuitry, the gelignite

that moves a creature mass, is so effective:

a bather, coming through electrolyte.

     As moments buckaroo, a lightning-fast

     sustains ignition to regard the blast.

Shakespearean Sonnet by Minnie Stacey


In the firework dark,

an idea richness, pitched in nutrients

and guarded from echoes,

is sparked alight from easy soil.


Mind, running over

like a lighter-fluid lean,

is fired bright,

eyeing us a river-clean,

experiencing scenes,

generating dreams,

in a wake rubbed up by genes.


And all the while the earthworms

are at our feet,

letting birds take them flying,

making fish jump,

refreshing food to lift the stalk

of thought.

 Free Verse by Minnie Stacey


The play of music,

flicked in a figured pitch,

is stuff that scores through skin.


Those smelled overtures to tender goals

in how a body feels,

they turn on texture,

tracing shocks through velveteen

like mirrored skating spangled into sense.


Unfixed, this shine from staves

breaks into flavours

with a fizz that peppers souls

to tactile springs.


Hence emotion, in a way of syncopation,

waves to here, between reflection,

beside a mind’s dew,

where you come skywards

as a clearing.

 Free Verse by Minnie Stacey




To kiss with you would be to cross our brink

and let the wet word, sex’s edict, live,

as declaration opened flirting’s chink

to land the lexicon that bodies give.

Marshmallow touches lit in creamy flesh

are fingers sending rings through bells of skin,

when, hidden in the night we'd see afresh,

we’d lick each other’s brains and feel our win.

The loosed excitement of connecting minds

carouses chance’s easy concentration,

like flames in moonbeams we’d be sprung as finds,

our darkness would be pure collaboration.

     Electric presence - serious with power,

     unfolding wings, would rose us in a bower.

Shakespearean Sonnet by Minnie Stacey


Happy on you,

my heart's percussive with bells,

electric beats that sing atmosphere.

Permissive cups, we're eating air,

light on cachet's care

in a weightless up.

Engagement's join, an easy place

aced on hot ice,

is skin in-situ - opening eyes inside,

plush blushed sutures on a vibe

where somewhere always is.

Peached as voices of the presence kiss,

we're sticky with the drench of this,

starlight's piercing slidden fingers

wet with the whisper of knowing bliss.

Like gloss that's seeing,

me and you are gills for space's paint,

in a lifted alive and blasted on being.  

Free Verse by: Minnie Stacey


V’s in fond branches

widen hearts to catapult

capacious surprise.


With Beckett orthodoxy, 

mouths like flippers on bantams,

mean and meant,

our light yells.

In one of Samuel's hells,

gazumping each other

with garish, graceless truculence,

we're tethered dogs

whose stymied pasteurised barks

are bite-blown words in stares of staginess,

going nowhere for too long:

foibles waiting, 

idiosyncratic sores with serves of

bat - volley - bat - volley - bat!

The corn of snared mesh,

fixed in a box of endgame,

we're a stricken match

fit to be good and over,

a brink of living urged by sneers,

spitting in a spurt...

...then thrust in laughter's sights,

our overview - is bicker free:

those rabbit warren blinkers

rebuffed by an eff on ire.

Free Verse by: Minnie Stacey



The smile of chance imbued in you that would

be melting ice, expectant with surprise,

intent to guess itself to happen could

invite the sky’s expanse to bid your eyes

watch at the swan whose flying will expand.

You'd see its feathers finding at the blue

and qualify your glance to understand

the definition pierced by the view.

Attentive steering, levelling with funk,

lit as a language consonant with charge,

the magnet-soft which permeates that spunk

could quicken comprehension and enlarge

     the seeing-glide to realise, to near,

     then over there is consequently here.

 Shakespearean Sonnet by Minnie Stacey





Branded by cheap cuts,

mind-scrubbed by the jiff of a world’s ‘ifs’,

souls die down to being marks,

unflown but doing bird for no offence.

And the profit above

gets shared around by plutocrats,

satellite slave masters

directing butchery below,

hard-wiring workers into batteries,

palming them off with a pittance.

Dismembered by this union of fences,

a tragic irony carries its own cancer:

scapegoats white-feathered

in cell-like homes

                                by an orbit of war.


Free Verse by: Minnie Stacey




 Unbuttoned guru,

you’re cloaked around the paradox

of an inverted bird,

pursuing light with flight that levels, 

licking you clean to the big eye.

Free Verse by Minnie Stacey



Survival’s extra,

flown-up feathers, woken dream,

we’re the doubled birds.

A Haiku by: Minnie Stacey


Once upon a time, at the age of six,

she was fixed on decorations,

stood there, dying to be good,

dangling dreams on wasted branches.


While the grown-ups peddled lines,

telling her to make big wishes,

be that fairy with the swishes,

she was full of pines.


Twinkling stars,

friendly stallions,

cosy reflections,

chocolate medallions,

filled her up

like sugar injections.


Hungry for the festive spike,

she rushed to get older for that perch:

as a princess, she’d be higher,

gazing down from wonder’s spire.


But the birthday strikes came slowly

till she striped the long haul of her hair

and wandered like a jangled star,

unwitting as a bar code in a wood of men,

straying onto paths where fakers,

sallow takers, crossed her gifts

from spunky lists.


Now the unicorn grins,

stabbing her skin with syrupy pins,

she’s on brown needles, lost her way

topped out by darkness in the day. 


The horse, whose main she used to comb,

kicks in her head, and, as his flunky,

she’ll unwind the advent of an angel’s face,

her features, smacked into a junk of space. 


In the end,

the little life

that she mistook,

hangs on this hook.

Free Verse by:  Minnie Stacey


 (after Hamlet, Caliban and Prospero)

A skull bestride some bones with flesh to bear,

I’m mortal, yet recoiled from readiness,

below an arrow pointing from above,

which, like a headstone, fastens up my aim.

This weight that’s lying on a life still breathing,

is where a heavy metal’s quota dived

on gravity, and, as a grave, this burden

bangs up a spark that struggles to be big.

As if a pin prick had deflated me,

a lead balloon is pressing on my limbs.

Without elastic, from this hammock sling,

though light, I’m hard to haul, a castaway

beneath a rock no double overturns.

This cavity that galvanises gleams

belies the inkling of a corpse to be:

beyond is something further than enough.

     To live, but be bestowed upon a steep,

     my stuff is troubled, difficult and deep.


Blank  Verse with Iambic Pentameter, by: Minnie Stacey