Expansion, War, and Acceptance Under the Cult of the Blue X

Part 3 of the History of Star Revolution X - Early 2018 to Mid 2020.

This recount of Star Revolution X (SRX) history has been put together through first-hand accounts of those who were present during events at the time, interviews with team members and ex-members, and the historical archives of SRX's longest continuous serving member, DreadLordNaf.

First Battle in the post-Traders War Era (Early 2018 to Spring 2018)

Following the end of the Great War with Traders the first notable conflict of memory was a BvB that occurred in February of 2018 when several friendly Adamantium kits suddenly declared independence from SRX and initiated hostile actions against loyalist SRX stations defending those same systems. Upon receiving the distress calls SunDog60 immediately broadcast a wide-band emergency message to SRX troops and within minutes they rallied in their PvB setups to take out the rebel bases. The rebellion wasn't localized to just one system though and had spread to three separate galaxies. Thankfully the battle hardened SRX fleets were still at heightened readiness from the Traders War and proceeded to systematically crush the rebellion uprising one station at a time until they were eventually all pacified. In the end 15 rebel stations had attempted to declare independence from SRX and were put down, with the station workers subsequently executed. SRX leadership later informed the team that the whole event was actually staged, a planned military exercise to test team response time and readiness against a simulated joint BvB/sabotage event, and that the team had passed with flying colors!

Victory against the insurgent Ada kits in Asterian Quarter.

It was actually later-later revealed that the whole thing really occurred because Churchill, who was on the team at the time, accidentally transferred multiple incorrect alts off the team who were still holding station kits causing them to aggro the SRX-held kits in the systems they were in. Besides this "planned" military exercise, the period following the Great War was relatively calm for a number of months while the team expanded its economic infrastructure, integrated new recruit into the team who had joined during the war, and slowly transitioned from a war footing to a more domestic focused play style. That calm ended in Spring of 2018.

The First SRX-Death Mental War (late Spring 2018 to Summer 2018)

It was a tranquil day in late Spring of 2018 when a rambunctious member of Death Mental (DM) decided to abuse the newly implemented @SRX team function on the main Star Sonata Discord, pinging the entire team unnecessarily multiple times. In response SunDog60 pinged them back with a /war declaration.

In terms of score DM was actually doing better than SRX when the war started. Having sat out the nearly one year long SRX vs. AS/Traders War, DM had built up a healthy economic infrastructure while the SRX economy was in somewhat of a dilapidated state by the time 2018 had come around.

Still feeling the rage from being unnecessarily pinged, SRX decided to take the war to DM and go on the offensive. SRX seers and SD's led by Nynu and USS Brown snuck deep into a poorly defended mining system named Deshret and took out the ExE kits guarding the place. They then deployed a temporary warp beacon so that DreadLordNaf could transwarp in an entire SRX Galaxy Assault Armada that proceeded to outpost the system and then PvB the Melody system next door. The battle was over quick and SRX now had a foothold deep inside DM territory. Having been caught completely off guard by the ferocity of the SRX attack DM proceeded to overreact and dropped around 40 defense kits of varying types in the Heaven system which bordered Melody, making it one of the most heavily fortified systems in the entire universe at the time while also resulting in one on the more aesthetic displays of station art in recent memory.

Team scoreboard late Spring 2018.

SRX Galaxy Assault Fleet in Melody, mere moments before the sole DM Adamantium kit fell.

One of the more artistic defenses from the war in Heaven.

Not wanting to lose momentum, the team's fundamentalist base builder known as Bob, laid out plans to cut DM space in half by outposting a single lightly defended system called Ophiuchus. The challenge of doing this was that the system was deep inside DM territory behind numerous systems that had hostile Ada kits defending them which would insta-kill any SRX ships that entered. Despite the odds, the organizationally challenged SRX prepared a plan of action to make it into Ophiuchus and long-time team ally Resident Evil (RE), who held similar religious views against discord spammers, assisted with the attack. The joint SRX-RE assault team organized into multiple squads each with an assigned Shield Monkey and drone healing Engineer. Once everyone was organized and communications channels open, the slow dangerous trek through DM space began.

After entering the first system on their way to Ophiuchus SRX ships started getting hit and going down. Healers repaired who they could and slowly trudged onward but some of the ship captains never made it to the final destination and sacrificed themselves so that others could. When the remainder of the heavily damaged fleet finally reached Ophiuchus they organized into PvB battle formation in for a long-shot PvB assault on the menacing Ada kit defending the system that was supported by numerous healing and attack drones.

SRX leadership knew it was a gamble if this was going to work or not. If it did it would split DM space in half and if it failed it would give away the SRX element of surprise and DM would most likely respond by fortifying their remaining connector systems. But the moment was now here...

Bob initiated the command to attack and in unison SRX captains started blasting the Ada kit. Weeks of preparation had come down to this moment and in that microsecond after all the attacking commanders had fired in sync and the tank berserker braced themselves to start taking hits, the menacing Adamantium kit exploded after a single hit. Apparently it had no shields because the workers, led by their union rep Peter Gibbons, were on strike due inhumane working conditions (including no lunch breaks) and refused to man the defenses. This went down in SRX lore as one of the most over-prepared and anti-climactic PvB battle in Star Sonata history.

Galvatron Heals in Opiuchus. Voted the worst place to work in 2018 by the Union of Death Mental starbase workers.

Once Ophiuchus was taken and outposted it was a race against the clock for DM. Dozens of their systems were due to lose ownership within 24 hours, catastrophically crippling their team space. DM's only hope was to try annex another system on the far end of the universe named Rand that would reconnect their southern and northern territories. The system wasn't empty though and was home to a small independent team owned by a former DM member, Lag. Realizing this, SRX snuck a seer with a warp beacon into the system while the rest of the attack fleet remained in Ophiuchus. Not wanting to annihilate the innocent Lag, the SRX plan was to wait for those few precious moments between system ownership transfer in the event DM was able to convince Lag to give the system to them, and then warp in and wipe the system.

It was never clear if DM detected the seer sneaking into Rand or if they just suspected it due to the eerie presence of the remaining SRX-RE assault fleet suspiciously hovering in Ophiuchus, but they waited to do the system transfer. And waited, and waited... For nearly 12 hours they waited while SRX maintained constant watch on Rand with the Ophiuchus assault force on standby the entire time and DM leadership watching the clock countdown toward complete territorial abandonment of half their team space. The SRX captains were tired but vigilant and on the eve of the 13th hour the pressure on DM leadership was too much and they finally broke and negotiated for ceasefire terms with SRX. They paid a surrender fee and SRX transferred Ophiuchus back to them, thereby ending the First SRX-DM war.

Covert ops image taken of Rand, from the DM perspective, during the Great Wait.

The First Great War Between SRX and Eminence Front

(17 minutes on August 5th, 2018)

The First Great War between SRX and Eminence Front resulted from a dangerous combination of alcohol and excessive pranking.

USS Brown on team SRX had been helping his friend Hober do some game testing and as part of that effort Brown acquired a number of highly valuable UrQa ruins shields on the test server to experiment with. As a joke Brown took a screenshot of the shields and showed EF leadership, implying to them that he had the ruins on the Live server. Being too inebriated at the time to fully understand the prank, EF leadership thought the screenshot was real and demanded SRX "share the wealth" and turn over the shields to them and along with the associated UrQa ruins. SRX leadership, not realizing what Brown had done or if they even had the ruins, stood their ground on principle and refused to turn over any of the non-existent shields. EF responded by declaring war.

Eventually more sober elements of EF leadership realized that the screenshot was fake and the war ended just as abruptly as it had begun. Unfortunately due to SRX and EF bordering each other and having setup numerous trade routes between each others' territories, the brief war ended up wiping out dozens of trade slaves on each side that were routinely crossing the border. The Screenshot that Killed a 100 Trade Slaves has now been preserved as the only remaining record from the brief but trade bot deadly war.

How the series of events unfolded on August 5th.

The Era of Peace and Member Departures (Summer 2018 to Late 2018)

Following the end of the First SRX-EF War, a number of members who had joined to fight Traders and DM and played a pivotal role the prior years' wars departed to join team Zephyr. This included Bob, Sam, Brown, PSS and JV2. They would later return after being reminded first hand of Zephyr leadership skill being -100, but in their brief absence they were nonetheless missed. When they returned they brought them new space refugees fleeing the Zeph leadership carnage, many of which would become core members of the team and included Kilando, Schatten, Dark Soul, Sir Justin, Cat, Enigma, David, Nick, and the always bubbly Tornado. Additionally a returning Star Sonata player, JechtZ, came back to the game around this time and would join SRX, eventually rising through the ranks to help lead the team.

After about one year on the team, the infamous Star Sonata armchair theorist Churchill, was finally kicked off SRX for over-maximizing industrial commodity income through shooting down his own team's IC trade slaves. His getting booted was a welcome respite from untested ship setup suggestions that were spamming team chat. With the DM and EF wars now over, the rest of SRX used this time to conduct runs, develop their characters, and finally enjoy the game during the first extended peacetime in years. Former Resident Evil councilor and all around badass coder, Xenoker, joined the team in late 2018.

Technically the team was still at war for most of this time due to minor skirmishes against the pirate team known as 10 Commandments. The actual real Era of Peace, where no official war declarations were in effect, only lasted for around 2 minutes and 23 seconds before inevitable conflict started back up.

The Second SRX-Death Mental War (Late 2018 to Early 2019)

The universe reset in late winter of 2018 started as any typical reset does. There was a mad rush for territory and minor skirmishes against EF and DM. Normally these reset skirmishes end after the initial land rush but this time it didn't. No one is really quite sure why it continued, perhaps it was lingering feelings from the First DM War, but the minor territorial hostilities with DM didn't die out after reset and instead morphed into another full blown second war with team Death Mental. This time though DM was a bit more prepared.

Within in the first couple days of the war after reset SRX took the Sadelmelik and Snoozie systems from DM and launched unsuccessful assaults on Roonan, Besbell, and Invictus. Apparently DM was now feeding their workers and their station kits were putting up more of a defense. Additionally SRX leadership for some reason decided it was the perfect time to pioneer a new "just-in-time" defense strategy that relied on weak defense kits which acted solely as tripwires to alert the SRX rapid response teams that would then swoop in and save the day. The strategy didn't quite work as intended and on January 14th, 2019, DM launched a major nighttime assault against multiple SRX systems taking control XYZ and Krytos 6, and reclaiming Sadalmelik. This resulted in orphaning two SRX system which were cut off from team space, Kaus Borealis and Soozie.

Remote picture of the DM nighttime attack force in XYZ that plowed through the SRX not-in-time defense setup on January 14th.

Later that same day DM continued their momentum and launched a BvB assault in the Dynamo system but the SRX first responders on the scene quickly realized that something was off. The kits being laid looked suspiciously weak, like decoys. Word went out to scatter and check all border gals and they soon realized DM was trying to distract from an effort to outpost a separate system in Ceyx where SRX was still relying on its novel just-in-time defense strategy as evidenced by the sole T3 kit it had for defense. By the time word got out to rally at Ceyx DM already had 5 twisted kits down and the odds for system defense looked grim. DreadLordNaf who was online at the time quickly counter dropped 5 twisted kits of his own with support from an Ada kit dropped by USS Brown.

The rest of the valiant SRX soldiers defended the kits with their life until they got constructed while Brown and Buggy123 frantically geared them all up due to DreadLordNaf's perpetual problem of never having enough base augs on him. Because DM had dropped their initial kits so far out and SRX had responded with such speed, the SRX defense kits narrowly finished their construction moments before the DM kits came within pulse range. Rumors from that battle report that a DM kit actually started firing its pulse guns at an SRX kit still under construction, but the kit then finished seconds before the pulse projectile hit its armor. With the odds now even the DM kits started to dent due to the overwhelming player assisted defense force on SRX and eventually the first DM kit crumbled. To further solidify the momentum MAD187 for good measure dropped four more SRX Ada kits purely as an intimidation tactic and scared the remaining DM attack force into submission and the remaining DM attack force then stripped their kits of any salvageable gear and fled. While no territory was technically gained, the victory at Ceyx helped rally SRX morale after having lost multiple systems throughout the previous night.

Victory at Ceyx. In the lower right are the four duress kits MAD187 dropped to mentally break the attacking force.

Pictured here is the just-in-time defense force at Ceyx with 25 Samgrahaka Bhijsavar drones deployed which kept the under-construction kits alive long enough to power up. In the lower right are the four duress kits MAD187 dropped purely as an intimidation tactic that broke the DM attack force mentally causing them to flee.

After the significant nighttime losses from the DM attacks SRX officers decided they needed to reactive the elite Nighttime Squad which had formed during the Traders War to protect against odd-hour attacks. Nighttime Squad didn't have to wait long and had their first show of action two days later when Death Mental made an early morning assault on the Chorus and Sykes systems.

DM had entered the Chorus system expecting no resistance but were quickly spotted by Nighttime Squad patrols who triggered team-wide alarms. Upon careful observation of the attacking force, the SRX Nighttime Squad captains noticed the DM attack force seemed to be suffering from certain leadership deficiencies. The kits they initially laid had standard aug setups which couldn't match the SRX defending kits' range. DM then re-auged them mid battle to out-range the defending SRX kits but this resulted in reduced DPS that couldn't dent the SRX kits. This strategic blunder gave SRX time to properly equip their base thrusters and lurch the defending Ada kits toward the augmentally challenged DM ones. Once they got within pulse range the DM kits fell like Rendghast being schooled in actual SS strats.

The defeat at Chorus wasn't enough though for DM and after their attack failed they immediately tried to attack the Sykes system. Not wanting to lose just once to a non-optimized aug setup they repeated the same aug blunder again, so instead resorted to equipping base thrusters and running their attacking kits away from the defending SRX kits for about and hour and half after which they gave up at some point.

After the embarrassing double defeat at Chorus and Sykes DM then went in for a hat trick at the Kaus Borealis systems a couple days later. Instead of losing this time to an improper aug setup the DM field captains leading the assault instead had technical issues with their base thruster operations and attempted to ram their attacking bases into the defending SRX Twisted and Ada kits resulting in a complete wipe of the DM attack force. Somewhat depressed from this defeat but not totally demoralized, the DM players online quickly reorganized into a sizeable PvB attack force and headed toward the weakly defended Salute system which was recently outposted by SRX. The Salute system was defended by a sole naked outpost kit with no augs or weapons and was actually unable to sustain its own shield regen. The naked kit proved too much though and with help from Nighttime Squad the DM PvB attack force was completely killed, two times over.

Nighttime Squad was an elite unit of SRX ship captains that formed during the Traders War to protect high value assets during night hour attacks. They continued their presence into the second DM war where they had numerous victories defending against twilight hour attacks in Sykes, Chorus, and Kaus Borealis. They eventually became inactive as SRX grew in worldwide membership which allowed for more natural timezone coverage but their sacrifice of sleep to protect SRX assets between 2016 and 2019 will always be remembered.

In late January, after having learned from their disastrous offensives at Chorus and Sykes, DM struck hard and fast on the weakened SRX eastern border and took numerous lightly defended systems. Most of the systems were resource poor and undeveloped, but rather than accept the losses and fortify SRX immediately struck back the next day with a dual counterattack. Organized by Tornado and co-led by Faranight, Bob and USS Brown, it resulted in a nearly back-to-back BvB of the two most strategically valuable systems on the eastern border, Correlation and Convoluted. Bob and Brown led the initial assault against Correlation liberating it from Death Mental tyranny while Tornado and Faranight, assisted by 15 SRX players with over 30 SRX characters between them, launched the assault on Convoluted.

Following the loss of 8 systems from Fleet Admiral Megan's Campaign on the eastern front, SRX leadership decided it was probably time to hang up the "Just-in-time-but-actually-never-in-time" defense strategy that had been the cause of significant territorial losses.

The final moments at Convoluted, where the Tornado-led attack resulted in one of the most massive and epic fights from the Second SRX-DM War.

After the massive battles at Convoluted and Correlation there was a pause in hostilities for a few days while captains on both sides took some needed respite. The war then resumed in a heavily defended border galaxy that SRX Intelligence had identified as a possible threat vector with high likelihood for a DM attack, Dynamo. Knowing this, SunDog60 had ordered EpicSonata to AFK patrol there as punishment for misbehaving earlier. Thankfully the punishment worked and while on AFK patrol duty Epic spotted a DM BvB force being set up, though not of the usual type. For some reason DM decided to BvB the system with a single Ada kit supported by 19 Laconia kits. Because of how fast EpicSonata had spotted the assault he was able to sound the alarm and simultaneously utilize Annihilator Assault Drones stationed there to pulverize the Laconia kits while they were still being built. Because of his fast action on drones and the SunDog-led SRX rapid reaction force that responded within minutes, all 19 Laconia kits and the Ada kit were fully destroyed before they even finished construction.

Defense of the Dynamo system, one of the odder battles of the war. SRX leadership never did figure out why DM chose to BvB with 20 Laconia kits and in the end SRX Intelligence concluded that most likely Death Mental had some sort of internal raffle contest and whoever won got to choose the strategy for their next BvB.

War against the Server and End of the Second SRX-DM War (February 2019)

After the significant morale boost from the victory at Correlation and Convoluted SRX leadership decided it was time to retake one of the first systems that was lost in the war, one that was still bitter point on the part of many SRX members: Sadalmelik. DM had reinforced the system heavily and SRX laid out a massive attack plan that involved dropping upwards of 30 Ada kits in the galaxy to take it back from Death Mental. It was thoughtfully planned out and on February 2nd, supported by a massive 20+ unique player fleet, SRX struck. DM became aware of the SRX attack partway through the initial BvB setup and responded by laying even more defense kits of their own. Both teams then inadvertently ended up declaring war on the server.

"Beauty of Bhisaj Beams," as photographed by unknown artist during the Sadelmelik assault which shows the 30 SRX attack kits under construction.

Due to a base thruster bug at the time and the size of the attack and defense force, the cascading set of computational errors from the Sadelmelik conflict ended up incapacitating the Star Sonata Server. The game crashed three times during the assault resulting in roll backs each time. Each roll back continually hurt the SRX offensive by continually eliminating the element of surprise and allowing DM after each rollback to retroactively prepare accordingly. These crashes persisted and impacted everyone in the game and eventually one of the Star Sonata overlords himself known as Jey had to personally intervene and end the battle with no clear winners except for DM who got to keep the system. In the end both teams decided that the actual loser was the server.

A relatively accurate battle summary of the real winners and losers from the battle at Sadelmelik.

Given the enormous expenditure of resources at Sadalmelik (a 60 kit BvB was quite rare at the time) both teams were somewhat exhausted after that battle, economically and mentally. The war progressed into a stalemate with both sides fortifying their borders to such an extent so as to make BvB impractical given the server abilities at the time. Never ones to stand still, an entrepreneurial set of SRX captains whose named started the letter B, (Bob, Buggy and USS Brown) decided to innovate and bring the war to an entirely new level given the territorial stalemate. They iterated to create an uber seer setup that could sneak into enemy territory and one-shot vulnerable T3 extractor kits that were littering DM space. Brown then perfected the strategy and proceeded to rain down economic terror on the civilian population inside Death Mental territory.

Covert ops image of explicit seer-on-T3 action.

Partially due to the broken state of base thrusters and the emotional damage caused from USS Brown's pillaging, team Death Mental signed a peace agreement with SRX in early February of 2019. The war then ended on February 4th with DM returning the XYZ system to SRX along with a compensatory amount of Rubicite that had been extracted from Sadalmelik during their ownership.

The Second SRX-DM War in numbers. Courtesy of JV2.

During the war a number of new members had joined the team including HeartOfTheStar formerly from Ada Souls and BobtheViking who came over after Terran Empires (TE) disbanded. TE was a former ally that had the warp beacon in their HQ system accidentally torched by SRX after the uni reset commander at the time, USS Brown, gave the order to blow it up due it's proximity to SRX territory. Apparently SunDog60 had not informed the team that they were allies. Nonetheless the teams remained on good terms until TE's eventual dissolution.

The Age of Culture and Cleansing - (Early 2019 to May 2019)

With war now behind them SRX used the peacetime to develop internally and turn their attention toward intellectual matters of culture. SunDog60 organized a one-of-kind universal Space Station museum that had on display every type of known space station kit in the game. Other members such as Tornado constructed great works of cspace art, and longtime SRX councilor DreadLordNaf used the time to help those members who were struggling with personal matters.

The Galactic Space Station Museum. The brainchild of SunDog60 and funded from contributions of SRX members. The museum was open from February 2019 until May of 2019 with free admission for children and all non-HeavyG players.

"Hober daed upon a cerulean blue sky," photographed by unknown. Amateur photography of interesting sites around the universe became a hobby of SRX members during this time.

"Celestial Penetration." Drone art by Tornado, constructed during his surrealistic period in the Age of Culture.

After a chaotic start to the Age of Culture that resulted in five different SRX Directors in a month, DreadLordNaf used his time at the helm to help members who were struggling the most.

Toward the end of the Second SRX-DM war longtime SRX member Faranight took over as SRX Director in order to solidify the peace agreement with Death Mental given how controversial SunDog60's reign had become to their team. After about a week Faranight then turned over Directorship to SRX Councilor EpicSonata. It wasn't clear if Epic actually wanted to be Director but Faranight decided that he needed to gain some leadership experience nonetheless. Following a number of days where most SRX members didn't even realize Epic was director, DreadLordNaf somehow acquired the Director position from Epic. DreadLordNaf's reign was marked with peace and prosperity with special emphasis on helping team members struggling with personal addiction. Despite his good intentions SRX officers later led a coup d'etat against DreadLordNaf due to his escalating rhetoric and threats to kick members not on board with his new extreme anti-anime posting rules. This led to Eleagnus Multiflora stepping in as Director to calm the internal strife with team weebs who felt persecuted during Naf's brief but tumultuous reign. Flora later gave leadership back to SunDog60 who reclaimed his position as Director in March of 2019.

With no major external threats during the Age of Culture SRX pivoted its military force toward helping others, in particular cleansing the universe of pirates and raiders. Pseudo team ally Zephyr was under constant attack at this time from the infamous Star Sonata pirate known as HeavyG and SRX forces assisted with various pirate eradication efforts to help them.

The SRX Expeditionary Force eradicating the HeavyG pirate haven in Robust, pictured left, and in the Puff system, pictured right.

In addition to cleansing the universe of pirates SRX now had time to focus on what had becomes perhaps one of the most annoying thorns in the side of the entire Star Sonata player base at the time, Nap. The self proclaimed "ECONOMIC GENIUS" had been annoying SRX merchants for a couple uni's through grief-pricing of setting his shops' items exactly 1 credit lower than many of the SRX ones. While SRX has always favored a competitive market, the meaningless amount of 1 credit served less as an attempt to undercut prices and create healthy competition and more of an attempt to abuse a legacy game mechanic of forcing his shops to the top of the /mc list and in the process annoy every other player in the game who then had to constantly adjust their multi-billion dollar prices by exactly 1 credit each day to match. With free time on their hands now that the DM war was over, SRX Intelligence started investigating Nap and looking for a possible Casus belli in order justify wiping him out.

These effort were later rewarded when it was revealed that Nap was supplying HeavyG with gear for his piracy efforts. Intelligence reports documented that he was selling dual-use civilian space gear (such as Adamantium sheets) that could be repurposed for military use for pirating and other human rights violations. This was later confirmed by Nap himself after posting chat logs between himself and HeavyG in either a final display of apathy or utter social incompetence. Team Commonwealth (whom Nap was on at the time) in their good nature immediately removed Nap from the team which was followed by a very efficient SRX PvB squad then cleansing Nap's extraction kits from his former Commonwealth systems. HeavyG, having had all of SRX blocked on discord at the time, was confused beyond measure about what was occurring and was led to believe that SRX found out only because Discord was hacked and his chat logs with Nap released, and that JV2's meme blog about the ordeal was actually written by Nap in an attempt to back stab him. Nap later retreated and fortified in his last remaining system of Jackal, recovering from the emotional trauma of losing his other systems and attempting to block out from his vision JV2's many meme kits that were littering his sector.

The SRX blockade flotilla carrying out economic sanctions against the self-proclaimed "Economic Genius."

While there were some insinuations of piracy and bullying on the part of SRX toward Nap, exactly zero people came forward to help him when it mattered. Apparently Nap's economic risk models didn't factor in the effect of pissing off nearly the entire Star Sonata player base through grief-pricing, including the one team whose motto was now essentially "/war."

The Third SRX-DM War (May 2019 to May 2019)

A new universe occurred in May of 2019 and for SRX it once again evolved into another full-blown war with team Death Mental, but this time it was planned. During the Age of Culture SRX Intelligence had learned that certain members of team Death Mental were funding the pirate antics of HeavyG and that the team itself had been quietly stockpiling a large reserve of Adamantium kits in order to get revenge on SRX for previous wars. Upon learning this SRX leadership decided to strike before DM reached the critical mass needed to launch an offensive war.

The first notable battle was a highly concocted plan to split DM space by taking the Tien Kwan and Ashlesha systems. The first part of this plan was initiated on May 4th, 2019, when an SRX squad PvB'd the DM Ada kits in Tien Kwan, successfully destroying the entire defense setup there. During the time when system ownership rights were decaying, before it could be territoriality claimed by SRX, Dark1 on team Death Mental laid some lowly Tech 3 kits thousands of distance out to prevent SRX from being able to stake ownership. SRX Speed Demons took up the role of popping the low level kits but DM used their own Speed Demons, not to fight back, but to continually bring in more T3 kits and place them thousands of distance out of range. This cat and mouse of T3 kit popping went on for nearly 30 minutes and bought DM precious time to amass a player squad of their own in the neighboring system of Mumps McBumps.

Realizing the DM build up, the SRX player squad struck first and annihilated the DM player fleet in Mumps McBumps and in the process also splattered the sole DM Ada kit defending the system. Once again team Death Mental used the same same strategy of deploying low level kits out of range to try and prevent ownership. Fortunately by this time the second part of the SRX campaign was underway in the Ashlesha system which forced the DM players to split their attention. DM prioritized saving Ashlesha and SRX later took control of Mumps McBumps. Because of the T3 kit dropping tactic in Tien Kwan SRX still had not been able to claim ownership of it and eventually DM dropped more Ada kits down in both Tien Kwan and Ashlesha to defend them and hold their claim.

Assault on Tien Kwan. Enlarged is the map sector view showing the 100+ T3 kits that were laid to prevent galaxy ownership.

In the end SRX did not end up splitting DM space as planned, but they didn't fail to split it either. Broken BvB mechanics failed to split it... Despite not achieving the intended result the dual attack on Tien Kwan and Ashelesha was a notable achievement for SRX. It had required a degree of organization and precise coordination which SRX assaults rarely had and showed team leadership that with short warning, the team could achieve highly complex attacks if led correctly. Six years of prior wars, a nearly year long Ada Souls/Traders war, and two previous wars with DM had improved SRX tactical planning and organization skills immensely and it was now beginning to show.

Mumps McBumps which SRX had taken was a strategically valuable system and a day later a highly organized SRX PvB fleet took out the even more strategically valuable system of Mundorn which opened up numerous DM galaxies for attack. Given the initial momentum of the war which swung heavily in SRX's favor and growing war weariness on the part of Death Mental from being in three consecutive wars with SRX, DM surrendered a few days after the war started under the authority of their team Director Thunderstrike. A surrender fee from DM was paid and hostilities ended.

Why most wars end in Star Sonata...

With the third DM war coming to an end SRX reflected back on the trifecta of wars and realized something: the team had adapted quite well to a near-permanent war footing. SRX members started to accept being at war as a regular part of the game. Even after three major conflicts with DM, these wars were different than past ones. They weren't taken personal and the team actually ended on a neutral to even positive note with many DM members and some would later go on to join SRX. One thing was clear though, a new normal had set in.

The New Normal (June 2019 to January 2020)

Following the brief DM war SRX accepted and settled into what was to the become the reality and new normal for the team: the permanent war footing. The team continued to develop economically, do content, and pwn bosses in between both PvBing and BvBing. SRX accepted its fate that because of the team's unique role in the game and righteous set of players, there was no escaping war in the future. There would always be pirates who needed culling or enemies wanting to gain the upper hand. The team had now been in near perpetual wars for almost 8 years straight and accepted this burden and blessing as the hand fate had dealt it.

SRX embraced this new normal by intervening to help team Parabellum and Zephyr against raids by The Unforeseen Colonies (TUC) who were a team of Star Sonata misfits and ex-cons. TUC was waging war against both Parabellum and Zephyr and SRX ended up having numerous dust ups with TUC over the course of months.

The Elly-Pumpkin Assistance Fleet (EPAF), the most jovial fleet in the galaxy. On it's way to defend Zephyr against TUC in Sheratan.

During this time SRX also solidified their alliance with team Psionic Corps. Previously led by NeonSword, and later Lemon, PC conducted numerous joint pirate culling activities with SRX to assist Zephyr and SRX intervened to defend some Psionic Corps newbie gals that were under TUC attacks. Despite almost going to war once due to Lemon killing Brown's trade bots, the continued cooperation between the two forces improved relations.

Eventually, after a series of clashes with TUC in Sheratan, Ragula, Rigil Kentaurus, Second Cousin and Cowboy Roadtrip, a deal was made in mid-January 2020 to end hostilities between the TUC raiders and Parabellum and Zephyr, which brought an end to the fighting.

Border skirmish with TUC raiders in the SRX owned system of Rigil Kentaurus.

Social Distancing X and End of the Third Chapter (February 2020 to April 2020)

During this period in time real life events started to intrude into Star Sonata in an unprecedented way. Lockdowns and quarantines worldwide kept people inside and on their computers and in response to this the Star Sonata admin team launched a unique event: The PvP server. This would be a brand new server up for a limited time where everyone could start fresh and in addition the server would be open-PvP in almost all areas. There was unique prizes to the players who reached certain milestones first (such as certain boss kills) and rewards for other heroic endeavors. SRX decided to join the the PvP server as a team but slightly renamed to better represent the times, and hence Social Distancing X (SDX) was born.

The PvP server was a grand experiment. It would show what would happen in a pure Star Sonata meritocracy where no one had legacy wealth or high level characters to depend on for help or credits, where everyone was starting from nothing. Teamwork, organization, skill and outright dedication would be the primary factors affecting victory. It was no surprise then that SDX went on to completely dominate it.

The PvP server was a unique experiment in Star Sonata history. It gave players the chance to start fresh with nothing and showed the result of putting everyone on a level playing field in the wild west of a PvP free-for-all server with no legacy wealth supporting them. SDX ending up winning every single prize available and taking 9 out of the top 10 leveling spots.

Slightly before the PvP server was stood up longtime team ally Psionic Corps, led by a citrus fruit, decided to merge with SRX bringing onto the team new dedicated soldiers such as Begonesun, titanomachia, bobel, The Last Bule, and Yordle. Combined with new zealots who were recruited into SDX during the PvP server and then transitioned onto the main team, and refugees from other teams that had imploded, a number of new ship captains joined the ranks during this time period including Killamellon, Kytrarewn, Abbara, Hattori, Rhezmyn, Jiraque, and the one-of-a-kind shield monkey, Spirit of the Healer.

This period of SRX history ended on a high note when former team frenemy, and now staunch SRX loyalist, Lemon, organized active leveling fleets in subspace during a bonus XP weekend.

The rest of early 2020 went well as the team integrated all the new recruits and old and new members alike started to group together, talk in voice chat more often and get to know one another as teammates, something that would prove vital in future events to come. Toward the end of the current uni additional members from team ally Parabellum joined up with SRX such as Swole and the base-building addict known as Biobawls.

The only other significant event to occur toward the end of this time period was a minor PvP scuffle in Pacja space with team Eminence Front over leveling spots during a Spring bonus XP weekend, something that most likely won't escalate or lead to anything noteworthy :)

Eight years at near-perpetual war and still going strong. Dedicated to all those who have flown under the banner of the Blue X, past, present, and future...