One-sided Camera trapping

Dec 20, 2017

Augustine, B., Royle, J.A., Kelly, M., Satter, C., Alonso, R., Boydston, E. and Crooks, K., 2017. Spatial capture-recapture with partial identity: an application to camera traps. bioRxiv, p.056804.

(to appear, Annals of Applied Statistics)

Note: the R code in the sub-page "one-sided camera trapping" is obsolete. I will not support it. For good stuff see Ben's paper, related papers, and especially his SPIM R package:

3/22/2015 at the bottom of this page you can upload a draft manuscript on camera trapping using a single camera trap which only ever captures one side of an individual. This manuscript develops a spatial capture-recapture model in which the ID of individuals is regarded as a latent variable and estimated. I'm still working on simulations and it may be a few weeks/months before I submit the paper somewhere.

My paper on on SCR with partial identity (applied to one-sided camera trapping) can be found here:

More updates later.

4/9/2015 -- there is now some R code that you can run. "1sided-testscript.R" will simulate data and fit a couple models. It uses the other 4 files with a .R extension. Documentation will follow (note the annotations in the main functions are not that relevant and will be removed once I don't need them). The simulator and MCMC code only work for the aggregate encounter frequency y[i,j] = number of encounters of individual i in trap j. It uses data for both left and right frequencies.