Privacy Policy

Spacy Apps supports individuals privacy. We maintain this policy for the following apps that we write.

Spacy Apps:

  • Does NOT collect, save, access, distribute ANY personal information from the user

  • Does NOT share the user's personal data. Such as the photos, videos, notes, or passwords / keychain.

  • Does NOT have access to the user's personal data. Such as the photos, videos, notes, or passwords / keychain.

  • Data stored in the app uses the technology from the iOS platform and we strictly abide by the iOS platform feature set and security.

  • Does NOT have access to the files or data or information residing in the app on the user's device.

  • Does NOT support 'jailbroken' or security compromised devices.

  • Can NOT recover app data as the data and passwords are not accessible and only know to the user of the app