CD-41KTP Control Panel

At the console, the following parameters of the radar can be checked:

"ТМ" = "current, magnetron"

Normal range: 13.5 to 25.

When you turn the high voltage (on the remote control unit), the magnetron current rises abruptly from 0 to a value lying in the said tolerance range.

When you turn the mode "protection from ground clutter", magnetron current decreases, but must also remain within tolerance.

"КД" = "pressure, channel"

Normal range: 14 to 22.

When pressure falls below the tolerance range, the hermetic sealing of the channel is disturbed.

The result of the transmitter pressure drop leads to failure of the radar.

"TKI"/"TKII"/"TKIII" = "diode currents"

Normal range: 2 to 14

For commute turn off the high voltage.

After switching on the high voltage, the diode currents need to stabilize at a constant value in the said tolerance range.