Ex3 - Editing a model

5-15 Minutes

This exercise covers many of the ways you can dive in, edit or transform models.

    1. Open any model. In Explorer, there is an MyModels folder. This contains example models that were installed with the Southbeach software.

    2. To change the attributes of an agent, move the mouse over the box, and press the right mouse button. Using the menu you can change many attributes.

    3. As you change attributes, there will be a visual change of appearance. For example, useful is a green box, a risk is a red filled box, focus is a yellow highlight.

    4. You can also change attributes of an agent by double clicking with the left mouse button. This brings up a dialog box.

    5. If you have 'Hover help' turned on (Help menu), you will see a panel to the right of the dialog box. As you move your mouse over the dialog box fields, an explanation will be given.

    6. The dialog box provides more options. Click on [-] More. If this is greyed out, you are in Core Mode, not Advanced Mode. You can change this in the Tools menu. Advanced mode gives you access to more attributes.

    7. Double click on an effect. It too has a dialog box.

    8. Right mouse on an effect. It too has a menu. Once again, in Core mode you see fewer attributes.

    9. Right click on an effect, and try the reverse and counter effect menu options.

    10. Move agents around by dragging them from their middle.

    11. Resize an agent by clicking on its handles. Select an agent by clicking once anywhere in it.

    12. If you like the new size, make it the default. Use right mouse - Default size for new agents.

    13. Now apply that size to another agent. Use right mouse - Default size.

    14. If you click on a blank part of the canvas, hold down the left mouse button and drag out a rubber band, you can select multiple objects. Alternately, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and click on objects to extend the selection.

    15. You can also select effects.

    16. You can change attributes of a selected set of agents and/or effects. Select the set of objects, so that their handles are showing. Then move your mouse over one of the objects and press the right mouse button. You will see the same menu as before. Make a change, and it will be applied to all of the objects.

    17. Select a set of objects. Now look in the Format menu. Here you can perform alignment and resizing.

    18. Model properties are available in the File menu, or right click on canvas.

    19. Right click on an effect, and try out the Style options - bezier and square. Select and move the handles to see the shapes you can create.

    20. In the effect Style menu (right click on an effect) you can reset bezier and square back to their original shape.

    21. Edit the notes of the model, and agents within it, by using the Notes panels to the right of the canvas. If they are not visible, enable them in the View menu.

    22. To edit the text of an agent, click inside it, then click again. (or press F2)

    23. Effect lines can also have a label. Select the effect, then click near the arrow head. If you cannot find the spot, press F2.

    24. You can undo or redo all edits. See the undo and redo icons in the application bar. The tool tip of the icons will explain what is about to happen.

    25. Positioning your mouse over an agent, roughly in its middle, shows a 'hand' cursor. This is for dragging the position of the agent. Positioning your mouse near the edge, but still inside the box, allows you to drag out (left mouse) and create a new agent and an effect in one operation.

    26. If you want to draw an effect between two existing agents, drag between them. Start at the edge of the source agent. A dialog box will appear to set attributes.

    27. If you need to draw lots of effect lines in fast, press the heart shape icon in the application bar. It should now be green. Now, dragging between agents puts an effect in, but within the dialog box popping up. We love the heart.

Now try these:

    1. Select the Models tab in the Explorer panel, left of canvas.

    2. You can also list, sort and edit the attributes of agents and effects using the Agent and Effect tabs in the Explorer panel. This is to left of the canvas. If not visible, see the View menu. We don't cover this in this exercise. Explore it yourself or refer to other documentation.

    3. The Tags tab in the Explorer panel lets you create tag groups and tags. You can drag these to the model. The Tick icon in the application bar determines whether they are visible. It has three states - all visible, none visible, visible if selected on the agent.

    4. You can also drag tags from the Tag library in the Toolbox. (if not visible look in the View menu) Drag a file to the canvas. The model in the file is added to the canvas.

    5. Right click on a model in the Explorer and select Merge. The model in the file is added to the canvas.

    6. Right click on a model in the Explorer and select Browse. The elements or sub-models in the file are displayed. If sub-models, right mouse again and Browse to the individual elements. Drag sub-models or individual elements to the canvas.

    7. See how the right mouse menu on an agent has a Tags menu for changing tags also. It picks up the tag groups and tag values you set in the Tag tab in the Explorer.

    8. Complex transformation of the model is possible using the Assist Tools in the Toolbox. This is covered in detail in other documentation. Try double clicking on a tool or right mouse on it for options.

    9. That's it for now. You can now perform many different kinds of edits of the model. Don't forget to save your work.

There is a lot more to Southbeach. Explore the rest of the Wiki to understand all the features, including the embedded creativity and reporting engine.