Plants at Home: Simple Tips for Long Life

It is not enough to pour a lot of water at once and forget about other days. Plants need to be watered daily and each species asks for a quantity. For most of them, however, just water once a day, only without soaking them.

Sunshine: not too much, not too little

The same rule applies to sunlight. If you can leave them in an open environment, the better; but it doesn't have to be directly in the sun, given the risk of burning the leaves.

Breeze, not winds

Plants like fresh air, breezes, but not winds. Whatever is intense, they won't like it. The winds dry the leaves and, depending on the intensity, can break the branches.

Suitable vessels

As the plants grow, you will need to change pots. This is important for them to continue to develop. How do you know that? When the leaves are tiny or damaged or when the container is small compared to the plant, among others.

Remove dry or damaged leaves

Yes, dedication is required, taking the time and such. Because to remove dry and damaged parts, care is needed. Contrary to what we think when we see dry and withered leaves, the plants did not die. They are only in the renewal cycle. Care and affection will bring the leaves and flowers back with even more beauty.

A lot of water! But water just right!

With some daily practices you can take care of the plants without complications. They will grow and develop healthy and showy. Look at that!

And we don't even need to say how much more beautiful the environments are when they are full of plants, right? They decorate, improve air quality and like any kind of life that receives affection and care: they return twice!

In practice, it means daily plant care like watering, examining the foliage and the soil, trying to understand the particularities of each species.

House with plants is home with life! If you have never had these beauties scattered around the environments and now you want to cultivate them, here's a quick tip: a gold tip: you need to insert them in your routine. What we can say beforehand is: the effort will be worth it.

But what does that mean exactly? It means that it won't do you good to spend a lot of money buying various types of plants, pots and other accessories if they go unnoticed by you on a daily basis.