May 18, 2017 — Rose Alley Press

Rose Alley Press was founded in 1995 by poet David D. Horowitz. Rose Alley books feature primarily Pacific Northwest formal poetry and an annually updated booklet about writing and publishing. Rose Alley has published sixteen titles, including two widely praised poetry anthologies. Visit the Rose Alley Press website.Reading for Rose Alley Press are Victoria Ford, David D. Horowitz, Donald Kentop, Michael Spence, and Joannie Stangeland.

Victoria Ford graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University and Indiana University. Chapbooks include Following the Swan (Fireweed Press) and Rain Psalm (Rose Alley Press). Other publication credits include the Poets Against the War website and Petroglyph. A former English instructor at Seattle Central College and Antioch University Seattle, she is currently an independent contractor for education companies.

David D. Horowitz founded Rose Alley Press in 1995, which in 2015 published his latest poetry collection, Cathedral and Highrise. David’s poems have appeared in The Lyric, Candelabrum, The New Formalist,, and many anthologies, and his essays regularly appear online at Exterminating Angel. He often hosts poetry readings in the Seattle area.

Donald Kentop has published two collections: On Paper Wings (Rose Alley Press, 2004) and Frozen by Fire (Paper Wings Press, 2014). He has been a Jack Straw writer, performed at Bumbershoot and Burning Word, and has had his poems published in numerous journals and anthologies. He is a retired substance abuse counselor and lives in Seattle with his wife Carol.

Michael Spence’s poems have appeared recently in The Hudson Review, The New Criterion, Poetry Daily, and The Sewanee Review. In 2014, he was awarded a Literary Fellowship from Artist Trust. His fifth book, Umbilical, won the 2015 New Criterion Poetry Prize and was published in the spring of 2016 by St. Augustine's Press.

Joannie Stangeland is the author of In Both Hands and Into the Rumored Spring from Ravenna Press, plus three chapbooks. Her poems have also appeared or are forthcoming in Prairie Schooner, Cimarron Review, The Southern Review, and other journals. Joannie is currently enrolled in the Rainier Writing Workshop at PLU. Visit her website.