Next readings — now in our eigthteenth year

All readings are in person at SoulFood CoffeeHouse at 6:00 p.m., usually with two featured readers and an open-mic reading. SoulFood CoffeeHouse now charges a $5 admission fee.


SoulFood CoffeeHouse, 15748 Redmond Way, Redmond, Washington

SoulFood CoffeeHouse Website | Store Location | Directions | Future Readings | Past Readings

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If you haven’t been to SoulFood Poetry Night, you’re missing out on a warm and vibrant poetry community! On the third Thursday of every month, SoulFood CoffeeHouse in Redmond, Washington, is home to SoulFood Poetry Night, an evening of engaged and engaging poetry. Our performance stage features professional sound and lighting systems in an inviting gallery and café setting in SoulFood CoffeeHouse. Performances are usually streamed live to the Internet.

SoulFood Poetry Night is curated by Michael Dylan Welch, and has been running monthly since July of 2006 (we held our 100th reading in October of 2014, and our 150th reading in January of 2019). For more than a decade, we asked one featured reader to select someone else to read with him or her. This process echoed the sense of community and connection that is central to SoulFood CoffeeHouse. This serendipity brought in new voices, and helped to create harmony or contrast in our reading series. Starting in 2016, though, we switched to primarily featuring groups or organizations but around 2019 we again started featuring mostly pairs of individual readers. Featured readers start shortly after our start time (7:00 p.m. until August of 2022, 6:00 p.m. as of September of 2022). Our two featured readers or groups and organizations are mostly from the greater Seattle area, but we welcome poets from farther afield as well. After we have a break to enjoy the bookstore, its art gallery, and especially its café, we have an open-mic reading where we invite you to share your poetry. Just sign up when you arrive and be prepared to read for about three or four minutes each (depending on the number of readers). And the occasional song is welcome, too.

Explore this site to see future readings and past readings (with photos and bios of featured poets), directions, and other details. Hope to see you at our next reading! If you have questions or want to contact us, click the Curators link.

Site Copyright © 2006–2024 by Michael Dylan Welch.

Readings, including open-mic readings after our featured readers, were for many years streamed live on Twitch (previously on SoultribeTV). You used to be able to view them live during each reading, or afterwards by searching for the reading by date. See the archives (search for poetry). Many readings have also been uploaded to YouTube. For example, see the March 18, 2021 “Art Against Hate” reading on YouTube.

After more than two years of Zoom readings during the pandemic, SoulFood Poetry Night returned to in-person readings in September of 2022. About 45 people attended this 19 January 2023 reading, featuring Jennifer Bullis, Dayna Patterson, and Allie Spikes (Allie is on stage). Photo by Tamara Kaye Sellman.